
【爵士課堂】吉他樂理:AW - Applying Alternate Voicings

haavbline haavbline

类型: 教学


标签: 吉他乐理 爵士课堂 爵士課堂 吉他樂理 jazz Lessons Guitar aw

专辑: 【爵士课堂】吉他.2.1:Andrew Wasson I - 讀譜.技巧.節奏.樂理.吉他樂理


GUITAR THEORY Applying Alternate Voicings教材下載:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=359002&uk=2383021194Published on Dec 21, 2012http://www.creativeguitarstudio.com/Hundred's of FREE lesson Handout PDF's & MP3 Jams.This Video: December 21st, 2012 | Search Videos by Title/Date.THIS VIDEOS LESSON PLAN /MATERIAL:http://www.andrewwasson.com/recent_po...Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio answers a viewers question...Q: When I come up with a set of chords in the pop-jazz style, I find myself hearing other chord sounds for the progressions second passes. I catch this kind of thing done in the songs by many other pop-jazz artists. From the research I've done so far, I believe other ways of playing chords are called alternate voicings. Andrew, could you make a lesson showing examples of applying alternate voicings? Thanks!Collin -- London, ENGLANDA: Pop-jazz players know a lot of different chord voicings. And, this is the real foundational work -- getting to know a multitude of ways for playing chords like; Ma7, Mi7, Dom.7, suspended dominants, and all of the different inversions and extensions. It's a ton of work that could take several years of practice, and application to get good at. However, after all that practicing is going along nicely for you, the next stage is of course application. And, in the video lesson, I discuss a number of ways to practice applying chord voicings to help you get the most out of your ability to have a good collection of options when applying voicings across the neck.