
Feria del Pueblo-Estampas — Per-Olov Kindgren

吉他大师Kindgren 吉他大师Kindgren

类型: 其他


标签: 音乐会 国外 流行音乐 郑成河 古典音乐 Guitar 吉他独奏版 中国 老外 古典吉他


我的作品包括流行歌曲,电影主题曲和自己写的歌曲。英文:Hi there! I am leaving for Florida tomorrow and will not be able to visit you here for a week. To be sure you are not going to forget me, I wanted to post this piece I recorded in my old house last June! :-) Yes, it IS my old 'sauna' in Denmark. :-) I kind of miss it. There was so much music in those walls... :-) I guess the people that bought the house, are still hearing echoes coming from the walls... wuohahaha.... This is part of my Suite "Estampas" (Images) that also includes :Luz en la Capilla, Cancion de Amanecer, Cancion de Luna and Otra Copa de Vino. I wish all my friends (no one mentioned, no one forgotten) a great, happy Easter (if you celebrate it) and all the best until next.Sheet music and TAB's are, as always, available at http://www.per-olovkindgren.com/ipnmonitor/ Take care out there and stay happy.Love Per-Olov