
The Singles Collection

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The Singles Collection专辑介绍
为庆祝本世纪全球最畅销女艺人之一Britney Spears出道10周年,Jive唱片公司在11月10日特别推出精选大碟“The Singles Collection”,由制作人Max Maitin操刀制作的专辑首波主打单曲“3”将在9月29日进行全球首播。

“The Singles Collection”将以“终极豪华盒装版”和“简装普通版”双版本的形式发行: 终极豪华盒装版:收录包括最新单曲“3”在内的Britney出道十年以来的29首主打单曲。其中收录的每一张单曲都将会被用独立的单曲包装形式收入盒中,不仅会保持单曲当初发行的最初包装状态,更加会额外收录附赠曲目或者混音曲目。除此之外,该版本还将包括一张收录有Britney出道以来所有MV的DVD,另外还将会赠送一本记录着Britney每支单曲的趣闻小图册。普通简装版:将以单CD的形式收录17首Britney最喜欢的经典之作,其中包括了最新单曲“3”。

布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 曾经是最红的少女歌手,出道以来凭着其个性十足的青春气息和动感强劲的舞姿征服了全球无数歌迷,成为千万发烧友追逐的对象、美国流行音乐文化的方向标。布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 当初魔鬼的身材、动人的笑容和甜美的歌声,音容宛如甜蜜的糖果,赢得了“小甜甜”和“麦当娜接班人”的称号。

但是好景不长,做了妈妈之后的布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 一直被吸毒、发疯等各种负面丑闻包围,她的生活也越来越糟糕,被8卦媒体送上“小癫癫”的称呼。2008年初,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 两度精神崩溃被送医。2008年秋季,光彩复出乐坛的布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 也变得更加努力,争取早日摘掉“小癫癫”的帽子。她复出的新单曲《Womanizer》成绩一路飘红,Billboard Hot 100单曲榜的排名从上一周的96位一路跃升至首位。但是布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 的新歌依旧是走狂野另类的路线,似乎难以再恢复到之前清纯的状态。

童年时,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 参加了舞蹈班,并且非常擅长体操运动,在多次竞赛中取胜。然而她最热衷的还是唱歌。8岁时,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 报名参加节目“MMC”,但因为年龄太小而被淘汰。于是她转向另一个非百老汇演出的节目“Ruthless”,并担任了两年的领衔主演。11岁时,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 再次报名“MMC”,这次她终于得到了和很多当日明星同台献艺的机会。她事业上的突破开始于90年代末签约成为Jive唱片公司旗下一名艺人。1999年,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 发行的第一张唱片“Baby One More Time”创下1300百万张销售记录,令她一炮而红,其后2000年5月发行的第二张唱片“Oops!...I Did It Again”的销售量(截至2001年7月)也达到了9百万。当然,在歌坛呼风唤雨的“小甜甜”也进军大银幕,不过,她的遭遇跟前辈麦当娜 (Madonna) 一样,只要一在电影中出现,这部影片马上就会沦为笑柄。

在与阳光少男贾斯汀·汀布莱克 (Justin Timberlake) 的一段伤心恋情后,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 忽然宣布与新男友Jason Allen Alexander结婚,但这段即兴的婚姻只维持了几天就结束了。之后布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 再做新娘,嫁于凯文,并生育了两个孩子,之后依然以离婚闹剧收场。虽然小甜甜的个人际遇因人因己总是十分坎坷,但布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 依然有无数的歌迷,而她发行的每一张专辑,依然能够创造惊人销量。或许“小甜甜”已经一去不返,但布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 (Britney Spears) 在流行乐坛的天后地位难以动摇。

The Singles Collection is the second greatest hits compilation from American pop singer Britney Spears. The album will be released on November 10, 2009 by Jive Records. The release will be in three different editions, a standard version, standard version + video collection DVD and a 30-disc deluxe box set.

On July 12, 2009, Spears confirmed through her Twitter that she had begun recording new material, stating that she was going into the studio with Swedish songwriter and producer Max Martin, who produced the album's lead single "3".

Billboard.com and MTV.com reported that the album was going to be out on October 27, 2009. However, on September 23, 2009, Jive Records officially announced the release date as November 24, 2009 and confirmed the name of the album as The Singles Collection through Spears's official website. On October 14, 2009, Jive Records announced in a new press release that the date for the standard version has been moved to November 10, 2009. The date for the release of the boxset remains the same.

...Baby One More Time

Autumn Goodbye (2009 Remaster)

(You Drive Me) Crazy (The Stop Remix!)

Born to Make You Happy

Sometimes (Radio Edit - Remastered)

Oops!...I Did It Again


I'm A Slave 4 U

I'm So Curious (2009 Remaster)

I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman

Boys (The Co-Ed Remix)

Me Against the Music

I'll Never Stop Loving You (2009 Remaster)



Gimme More

Piece of Me

Thinkin' About You (2009 Remaster)



If U Seek Amy

Deep In My Heart (2009 Remaster)


Boys (Album Version - 2009 Remaster)

Lucky (Remastered)

...Baby One More Time

Autumn Goodbye

Sometimes (Radio Edit)

Heart (2009 Remaster)

I'm So Curious

(You Drive Me) Crazy [The Stop Remix!]

Walk On By (2009 Remaster)

I'll Never Stop Loving You

Born to Make You Happy (Radio Edit)

Born to Make You Happy (Remix) [Bonus Track]

From the Bottom of My Broken Heart (Radio Edit)

Intimidated (2009 Remaster)

Thinkin' About You

Oops!... I Did It Again

Overprotected (Album Version - 2009 Remaster)

Deep In My Heart

I Run Away (2009 Remaster)


Outrageous (Remastered)

Outrageous (Junkie XL's Dancehall Mix - 2009 Remaster)



My Prerogative (Armand Van Helden Remix - 2009 Remaster)

Walk On By

Do Somethin' (Remastered)

Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know

Do Somethin' (Thick Vocal Mix - 2009 Remaster)

Someday (I Will Understand) (2009 Remaster)

Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know (Hex Hector Radio Mix)

Mona Lisa (2009 Remaster)

I'm a Slave 4 U

Break the Ice (Remastered)


Everybody (2009 Remaster)


Overprotected (The Darkchild Remix)

I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman

I Run Away

I Love Rock 'n' Roll

I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman (Metro Remix) [Radio Edit]

Boys (The Co-Ed Remix)


Me Against the Music (Video Mix)

Me Against the Music (Passengerz vs. The Club)


Toxic (Bloodshy & Avant's Intoxicated Remix)


Everytime (Above & Beyond's Club Mix)


My Prerogative

My Prerogative (Armand Van Helden Remix)

Do Somethin'

Do Somethin' (Thick Vocal Mix)

Someday (I Will Understand)

Mona Lisa

Gimme More

Gimme More (Paul Oakenfold Mix)

Piece of Me

Piece of Me (Bloodshy & Avant's Böz O lö Remix)

Break the Ice



Womanizer (Kaskade Remix)


Circus (Tom Neville's Ringleader Remix)

If U Seek Amy

If U Seek Amy (Crookers Remix)


Radar (Bloodshy & Avant Remix)


3 (Groove Police Club Mix)

Donni Hotwhel Megamix

The Singles Collection Megamix