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唱片公司:Big Machine Records



Red专辑介绍 《泰勒史薇芙特:红》今年排行榜最流行的顏色:RED!创下全球2200万张专辑与5000万张数字下载单曲佳绩6座格莱美奖认证乡村吉他小天后,全新大碟赠送限量版私藏年历(仅限首批预购限量发行)。

音乐生涯已笑纳6座格莱美奖,史上获得格莱美年度专辑大奖(『Fearless』)的最年轻歌手;『Speak Now』专辑成为史上单周销售突破百万张的17张专辑之一,获颁吉尼斯世界纪录史上数字销售速度最快的女歌手专辑的认证,同时也列名滚石杂志「史上50张最佳女歌手专辑」名单,出道至今的三张录音室专辑都维持全球500万张以上的销售水平,缔造全球2200万张专辑与5000万张数位下载单曲的傲人销售,跻身全球前五名最畅销数字音乐下载艺人行列,「时代杂志全球百大影响力人物」、「全美告示牌杂志2012年风云女歌手」、「全美青少年选择大奖史上得奖最多的艺人」的荣耀头衔更是从未间断。

全新专辑力邀Snow Patrol主唱Gary Lightbody、全英音乐奖最佳男歌手Ed Sheeran跨刀合唱,问鼎包括美、英、澳、加在内7国专辑榜,上市短短1个月便成就全美年度专辑销量亚军。

收录全美冠军、全球32国iTunes单曲榜No.1单曲,第55届格莱美年度最佳录音提名"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"。

Taylor Swift is one artist who knows how to make a splash, and that was apparent in her YouTube webcast on Monday night. She interacted with her legion of fans, answering plenty of questions and dropping the news that the music world has been waiting for.

"I have a new album coming out October 22, and I wanted to tell you about it," she said to a crowded audience. The album title is "Red." Swift also unveiled the album cover online. Swift said she has been working on the record for a while, and was excited to share the news of the upcoming release.

When asked about the name of the album, Swift said it stemmed from one of the titles of the songs on the disc - which was inspired by the many emotions she has felt in her relationships over the past two years.

"Red" will contain 16 songs.

"I wrote so many songs for the album that it was hard to choose the ones that would make it," Swift said. She admitted that she had over 30 songs to choose from before narrowing the track list down to 16. The first single from "Red" will be "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," which will be available on iTunes tonight at midnight. She playfully introduced the song as being for "my lovely ex-boyfriend."