
Move Along

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Move Along专辑介绍
可以叛逆 可以纯真 可以很有个性
大步迈进Billboard流行专辑榜 TOP6、网络专辑销售榜TOP3
制作与混音分别邀请摇滚/流行界赫赫有名的Howard Benson (Hoobastank、My Chemical Romance)及Chris Lord-Alge(Madonna、Prince)主控
就是一群怀抱着音乐梦想的年轻小伙子,为了摇滚乐的辽阔世界,不放弃任何机会,更以完全准备就绪的心态,投入最多旺盛精力与创作才气,The All-American Rejects虽然以有着些许激进的字眼作为团名,但是反透出平实生活化的音乐触感,代表年轻世代出现你我周遭发生之种种,年轻,可以很叛逆,可以很有个性,但千万不要失去原有的纯真,听听The All-American Rejects稍稍放纵的年轻岁月!
来自美国俄克拉何马州,从年少时期就腻在一起的好哥俩Tyson Ritter与Nick Wheeler,在1999年为了摇滚乐的梦想,离开家乡小镇,到纽约大城市一展身手,带着装满他俩创作的DEMO作品以及一千块美金,就这样鼓起勇气展开音乐旅程。接着加入吉他手Mike Kennerty与鼓手Chris Gaylor,在2002年于独立厂牌发行单曲"Swing Swing",获得全美摇滚榜Top26,同名专辑也进入独立专辑榜第9名,引起极大回响后,立刻被DreamWorks音乐厂牌招揽旗下,2003年重新再发行,专辑则蹦上热门潜力榜Top8与流行榜No.25,搭配全美青春卖座电影「American Pie The Wedding/美国派3:美国昏礼」再一波曝光宣传,抢下现代摇滚榜第8名,多半写出与前女友间发生的情事两三件,销售直逼百万佳绩,促使The All-American Rejects再次进录音室准备全新作品呈现!
花了10个月闭关撰写、7个礼拜录音,终于带出第二张专辑【Move Along】,甫于美国发行,以首周近10万张超越第一张专辑的亮眼成绩,空降流行专辑榜Top6,制作与混音大臣,分别邀请到摇滚/流行界赫赫有名的Howard Benson(Hoobastank、P.O.D、My Chemical Romance)及Chris Lord-Alge(Madonna、Prince、Roxette)主控。首支仍然摇摆生鲜的强势单曲"Dirty Little Secret",仍包裹在顺畅摇滚声线中,飙出属于年轻的快意力道;接着带出些许EMO声音表情的"Stab My Back",无论是主音演出或是搭配合声的堆栈,很快激起全身不安的摇滚细胞;直达同名单曲"Move Along",只有畅快过瘾可以形容此曲释放出的摇滚高能量;魅力十足的动听音阶层层砌筑出"Change Your Mind"、"Night Drive"等一气呵成之庞克摇滚劲作;舒缓动人的慢板小品"Straitjacket Feeling"与加入弦乐润饰之"Can’t Take It",都是The All-American Rejects越近成熟稳健的推荐佳品!

Move Along is the second studio album by American rock band The All-American Rejects, released July 11, 2005 by Interscope Records.

The All-American Rejects' effervescent 2003 hit "Swing Swing" sounded like a pop-punk adaptation of Better Than Ezra, and their sophomore effort makes this mix even more apparent. The earnest racket of an outfit like the Get Up Kids is a component in Move Along's sound. But the Rejects blend and sculpt that with keyboards, choirs, pianos -- there's even a classical guitar on "Top of the World" -- and the result is superficial midrange pop with appeal for a general audience of casual listeners. Fans of Wakefield, Something Corporate, Switchfoot, and American Hi-Fi should take note. The Rejects rock out a little on "Night Drive," "Dirty Little Secret," and "I'm Waiting" -- the guitars crackle anxiously, and Tyson Ritter and Nick Wheeler's breathy harmonies soar like they mean it. There's also distortion somewhere in "Stab My Back," but it's buried under acoustic guitars, vocal overdubs, and mournful keyboards. Move Along has some memorable hooks, like on the title track or "Change Your Mind." And, living up to its title, it moves along efficiently, usually keeping the pace at a snappy midtempo. The songs are also impeccably arranged, even if they're relentlessly processed and some of the instrumentation seems like overkill. (A children's choir? Come on....) In other words, it's easy to like the All-American Rejects if you're looking for 21st century mainstream rock that takes very, very few chances but does offer solid melodies and easy to swallow take/break and night/flight rhyme schemes.