◎惊世魔王首度加盟英国独立厂牌Cooking Vinyl旗下发行第八张全新大碟!
◎第一主打”No Reflection” MV,由电影『变型金刚』男主角-拉博夫特别执导。
◎惊喜翻唱创作才女『卡莉赛门』冠军经典”You’re So Vain”,好莱坞全方位巨星-强尼戴普跨刀担纲吉他伴奏,话题十足!
来自地狱的惊世魔王,开启灵魂深处的黑洞深渊,享受瞬间直达地狱的堕落快感,释放最离经叛道且狂野难驯的放浪行径,丢开所有尺度问题、挑战传统道德观,综合性感女神Marilyn Monroe以及美国杀人魔王Charles Manson强烈对比的Marilyn Manson,一位难以捉摸的艺术家,生吞活剥视听双感官,不断试探所有严苛乐评的极限、煽动乐迷的肾上腺激素!全球缔造近5000万的商业销售成绩,英美两地各12首流行/主流摇滚榜Top40单曲,不仅歌唱界成绩耀眼,更跨足电影、发行多本写真/自传/文字畅销书!本名Brian Hugh Warner,出道至今争议不断、话题不减,有着雌雄同体的错乱形象,更不改其本色的Marilyn Manson,引来两极化的反应,不是疯狂追随喜爱、就是极度唾弃厌恶!高声敲打阴晦工业金属音浪,一刀未剪的论及性爱、毒品、撒旦以及血腥暴力等话题,Manson越遭各界挞伐,越变本加厉的传递沉沦、堕落与虐待之变态讯息,进出法庭就像自家后院!在恩师Nine Inch Nails灵魂主脑Trent Reznor力挺下,加入环球音乐体系,从1994年首张专辑《Portrait Of An American Family》,一路到2009年的《The High End Of Low》,全部挤进告示牌Top15之林中!永远有取之不尽用之不竭的灵感,使出惊吓艺术的特殊癖好,疯狂失控的舞台演出,都是Manson最独树一格的象征!
离开合作超过15年的旧东家,首度转加盟英国独立厂牌Cooking Vinyl旗下发行全新大碟《Born Villain》,Manson解释此为一张:「自杀式死亡金属风格,比《Mechanical Animals》专辑散发多些庞克味,没有过分的狂妄自负感,吸收David Bowie的《Aladdin Sane》作品能量。」由曾任U2、Smashing Pumpkins、Green Day、NIN客席指定键盘乐手团员Chris Vrenna和Manson共通製作。就在阴森诡谲的线条指引”Hey, Cruel World...”现形,随后火力全开的爆发强烈摇滚气流,提供相当称头的开场之作;第一主打”No Reflection”,染出一片暗黑色系,恐惧氛围瞬间包围,令人喘不过气的窒息感油然而生,直奔告示牌硬式摇滚数位单曲榜Top21+主流摇滚榜NO.37位置;如同走进鬼屋般可怕特效的”Pistol Whipped”,就在鸡皮疙瘩掉满地之时,鬼魅的喘息和呓语接连唱道,领教Manson气氛营造的真本领;电子气流混乱灌入”Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms”,沉重敲打如同Doom Metal的缓流,少不了的凶猛暴戾美学依旧精彩;直袭脑门爽快感的”Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day”,精神分裂般的切割多重人格,交相堆叠嘶吼;最后加赠翻唱同时身拥葛莱美、奥斯卡与金球大奖加冕的创作才女Carly Simon之冠军经典”You’re So Vain”,惊喜邀请好莱坞全方位巨星Johnny Depp吉他伴奏,两人擦爆十足过瘾的音乐火花!
(by 博客来)
Born Villain is the eighth full-length studio album by American rock band Marilyn Manson. It was released worldwide on May 1, 2012 through Marilyn Manson's own vanity label Hell, etc. via Cooking Vinyl Records. The album is the band's first release since their contract with longtime record label Interscope Records ended in late 2009.
On May 2, 2012 Marilyn Manson appeared on the cover of the UK heavy metal magazine Metal Hammer, which featured an exclusive interview with Manson on the album, along with a new photo shoot of the singer. Manson also featured in NME and on CNN. The album has received generally positive reviews from mainstream music critics.
The album spawned two singles ("No Reflection" and "Slo-Mo-Tion"), and a pre-release short film entitled Born Villain. The band supported the album with the Hey Cruel World... Tour, and also with the Twins of Evil Tour, a combined tour featuring Manson and Rob Zombie. The band went on to announce a new joint tour with original shock rocker Alice Cooper, set to begin in June 2013 The album debuted at number ten on the Billboard 200.
In October 2012, Manson announced that Born Villain would be re-released as a special edition before the holidays. This version of the album will feature three additional tracks, additional artwork, a book, and more. (wiki)
by Fred Thomas
With their eighth studio album, Born Villain, Marilyn Manson return from the depths of their mid-2000s limbo with almost an hour of the type of evil industrial and glam-infused metal they made their name on in their earliest days. While the band's blazingly controversial public profile died down tremendously since their late-'90s heyday, legions of devoted fans followed them through the next decade's bevy of changes. The departure of founding member Twiggy Ramirez coincided with a few of the band's weakest albums, and even his return to the fold on 2009's The High End of Low couldn't redeem a substandard record from what seemed like a flailing band past its prime. Born Villain sheds some of the more introspective leanings of prior offerings and accentuates all the throbbing rhythms, metallic guitars, and bilious disgust that defined the band's best work. Lead single "No Reflection" screams "comeback," with Manson channeling a Sisters of Mercy vocal over the sinister pulse of the verses before huge choruses explode in darkly catchy bursts. "Children of Cain" draws again on the later-period Bowie influence that defined much of the band's glammy Mechanical Animals album, and an unlisted cover of Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" turns the FM staple into a gruesomely churning romp. Moments like these are the aural equivalent of a knowing smirk from the band, acknowledging that even the princes of darkness might have a lighter side. "Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms" finds the band working in a curiously grunge-tinged mode, with sludgy riffs meeting huge distortedly melodic choruses that would fit in nicely with Badmotorfinger-era Soundgarden. All of these songs find Manson himself in typically depraved form, with lyrical content as sexually, morally, and socially devious as it's been since 2000's devilish Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death). "Pistol Whipped" tells a tale in great detail of a sadomasochistic relationship and song titles like "Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day" speak for themselves. Even while Born Villain is a return to form for the band, the album becomes tedious at right about the halfway mark. The songs are overly long and all rely on similar dynamics to propel their crunchy angst. Though sounding inspired and sonically rejuvenated in its best moments, as the album wears on one gets the sense of a band trying a little too hard to revisit its former glory. Without remaking "The Beautiful People," there's still a feeling that they're reaching to remember how to make a Marilyn Manson record and put the purgatory of their past few efforts behind them. All told, Born Villain is as valiant and exciting an effort as the group has come up with in years. While not reaching the dizzying heights of Marilyn Manson's early material, it suggests a band getting its legs back after a long period out to sea, and could lead the way to even brighter future wickedness.