
Purcell Edition Vol. II: Theatre Music

4 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 


唱片公司:Warner Classics



Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 First Air

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 Second Air

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 First Hornpipe

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 Second Hornpipe

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 Adagio

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 Allegro

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 Trumpet Tune

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 "Wake, Quivera" [Boy]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 1 "Why should men quarrel" [Girl]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Prologue to Act 1 "By ancient prophecies" [Girl, Boy]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Prologue to Act 1 Trumpet Tune

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 Canzona

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 Adagio

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 Allegro

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 "I come to sing great Zempoalla Story" [Fame]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act II - Air "What flattering noise is this"

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 "Scorn'd Envy, here's nothing" [Fame]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 "I fly from the place" [Envy]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 "Begone, curst fiends of Hell" [Fame]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 2 "I come to sing" [Fame]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 Air

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 Minuet

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 "Ye twice ten hundred deities" [Ismeron]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 Symphony for hautboys

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 "Seek not to know" [God of Dreams]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 Trumpet Overture

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 "Ah, how happy are we" [1st & 2nd aerial spirits]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 "We the spirits of the Air" [3rd & 4th aerial spirits]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 "I attempt from love's sickness" [Soprano]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 Air [Spirits of the air, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 3 Third act tune

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 4 "They tell us that your mighty powers" [Soprano] Fourth act

Henry Purcell: The Indian Queen Z630 - Act 4 "While thus we bow" [High Priest]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Overture

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 2 "Where does the black fiend" [First Devil, Second Devil, Choru

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 2 "Around, around we pace" [Chorus]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 2 "Arise, ye subterranean winds" [First Devil]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 2 Dance of Winds

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 3 "Comme unto these yellow sands" [Ariel, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 3 "Full fathom five" [Ariel, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 3 "Dry those eyes" [Ariel]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 3 "Kind fortune smiles" [Ariel]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 4 Dance of Devils

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 4 The sailor's dance

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 4 "Dear pretty youth" [Dorinda]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "Great neptune!" [Amphitrite, Neptune]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "The nereids and Tritons" [Chorus]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "Aeolus, you must appear" [Neptune]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "Your awful voice I hear" [Aeolus]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "Halcyon days" [Amphitrite]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "See, see, the heavens smile" [Neptune]

Henry Purcell: The Tempest Z631/10 - Act 5 "No stars again shall hurt you" [Amphitrite, Neptune, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: The Married Beau - Ouverture

Henry Purcell: Abdelazer - Rondeau

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Overture to The Masque

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Hark! how the songsters of the grove" [2 Nymphs]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Love in their little veins inspires" [Nymph]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "But ah! how much are our delights" [2 Nymphs, Shepherd]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Hence with your trifling deity!" [A Bacchanal] "But ove

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Come all, come all to me" [Cupid]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Who can resist" [Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Return, revolting rebels!" [Bacchus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "The care of lovers" [A Nymph]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Love quickly is pall'd" [A Bacchanal]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - The Masque "Come, let us agree" [Cupid, Bacchus, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Curtain Tune

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Dioclesian First Music

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Dioclesian Second Music

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Dioclesian Overture to Act 1

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 1 First Act Tune

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 "Great Diocles" [Bass, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 "Charon, the peaceful shade" [Woman] "Let all mankind the ple

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 "Let the soldiers rejoice" [Tenor, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 "To Mars let'em raise" [Tenor, Bass, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 "A Symphony of flutes in the air" [Tenor] Quartet [Soprano, T

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 Dance of Furies

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 2 Second Act Tune

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 3 Chaconne

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 3 "When first I saw" [Soprano]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 3 The Chair Dance

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 3 "What shall I do" [Soprano]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 3 Third Act Tune

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 4 Butterfly Dance

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 4 Trumpet Tune

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 4 "Sound Fame" [Tenor, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 4 Fourth Act Tune

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 Country Dance

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 Prelude to The Masque "Call the Nymphs" [Cupid, Chorus]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Come, come away" [A Bacchanalian, A Silvan]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 Prelude & Chorus, Paspe

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Ah the sweet delights of love" [2 Wood-Gods]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Let monarchs fight" [A Faun]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Since from my dear" [Another Faun]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Make room" [2 of Bacchus' followers, Bacchus] "Give to every

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 One of Cupid's Followers [Tenor]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Tell me why my charming fair" [Shepherd, Shepherdess]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 Dance

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "All our days" [Tenor, Chorus] "Let us dance" [Soprano]

Henry Purcell: Timon of Athens Z632 - Act 5 "Triumph, victorious love" [Tenor, Bass, Chorus]

Purcell: Music for a While

Henry Purcell: "Ah! How Sweet It Is to Love"

Henry Purcell: "If Music Be the Food of Love"