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Americana专辑介绍 《Americana/美国志》是美国朋克名团The Offspring的第五张创作专辑。专辑的音乐较早前有所改变,风格亦有所拓宽,涉猎了更多的另类摇滚及朋克斯卡元素。这张专辑发布后首周就大卖17万5000张,高居Billboard专辑榜第二名。这也是The Offspring有史以来在Billboard的最高席次。这张《美国志》顾名思义,投射了美国生活方式的一些负面的主题。乐队主唱Dexter Holland在唱片发行不久后作出如下解释:“《美国志》上面的歌曲并无谴责之意,而只是略为陈述我们所目睹的发生于周遭的一些事情。我们不过是想暴露美国文化的不那么明朗的一面……”。就音乐而论,乐队并没有过度在他们的南加州根源上做文章,萨尔萨舞曲与另类摇滚的融合听起来浑然天成,自始至终他们都在嘲讽自己所属的文化,换言之,他们自始至终都在自嘲。

by Michael Gallucci

With integrity intact and a hearty combination of poppy punk and wit throughout, the Offspring's fifth album is a raucous ride through America as seen through the eyes of a weary, but still optimistic, young kid. Riffs on political correctness, '70s radio fodder, and suburban disquiet are spread thick on Americana. If the band's targets seem a bit simple and predictable, its music rarely is. The SoCal roots aren't played to a fault, the blend of salsa and alterna-rock sounds natural, and the Offspring pretty much laugh at their culture, as well as themselves, the entire time. Best track is "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)," which manages to bridge Def Leppard and Latin hip-hop (and the musical timeline they represent) and, in the process, disrobes Middle America's average white teen's quick fascination with and instant disposability of a once-regional heritage. With Americana, the Offspring are merely contributing their part.