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新世代唯1偶像 1世代
第四张专辑 青春第四课
欢乐无设限,世代偶像总接棒,迎接青春不留白的无敌音乐频率!声势毫无减弱,人气依旧颠峰的1世代,在短短四年内,如一股无人能招架的风暴般席捲全球,靠著《青春无敌Up All Night》、《青春满屋Take Me Home》和《青春午夜场Midnight Memories》等三连发专辑,空前写下美国告示牌史上第一组团体首发三张作品全数空降冠军纪录,累积英国11首+美国9首Top40单曲,缔造加总超过4600万张销售量。除此之外,1世代拥有10亿的YouTube点阅率、1亿1千万的推特追随者、3400万的脸书粉丝团。滚石杂志册封「史上25组最强偶像」、全美音乐「最佳流行/摇滚专辑《青春满屋Take Me Home》」、「最佳流行/摇滚乐团/重唱」奖项入手,强势摘取全英音乐四座大奖,至今抱回世界各地多达168个奖座。经过英国週日泰晤士报统计,1世代快速攀升「30岁以下全英最富有的音乐家」名单亚军席次!
载满自信与时髦之音回到舞台前,五位团员各自发挥创作长才,送出崭新大碟《FOUR》中多首合写之歌。骨子裡流著摇滚血液,1世代企图证明不光只是唱跳偶像团体,更能打造如摇滚乐团般的能量和精神。美派庞克另类团Good Charlotte与Liam和Louis描绘酷炫图像、英国流行偶像实力队伍McFly则与Niall共商音乐走向、Harry协同爱尔兰独立乐团撰写新歌、就连瞩目新贵The 1975都应邀其中,如此大的阵仗,足以体会1世代更显自我风格的诚恳表态。全球iTunes同步开放专辑预购,惊人抢下首发24小时内登顶65个国家冠军,台湾也紧追在后的夺下榜首!中版主打歌〈Steal My Girl〉,联合英国籍的Wayne Hector(Westlife、Nicki Minaj)+Ed Drewett(Olly Murs、The Wanted)+Julian Bunetta(Boyz II Men、Flo Rida)等〈Best Song Ever〉幕后群再度携手打造,过瘾融合70-80摇滚的复古佳音,佔据英国季军+美国Top13;英国冠军创作才子Ed Sheeran谱写之〈18〉,捕捉出顺畅耐听旋律;散发民谣风味的〈Fool’s Gold〉,清新木吉他拨奏特别引人入胜;大展和声完美度的第二波攻势〈Night Changes〉,注定将成为排行骚动的抒情金曲;在官网提供粉丝群24小时限定免费拥有的〈Fireproof〉,涌入110万的下载量;披覆光鲜亮丽彩衣的〈Stockholm Syndrome〉,大摇大摆的渗入电气润饰,加强律动性。此豪华加值版,追入4首独佔单曲,散发1世代男孩的招牌式琅琅上口旋律与爽朗朝气,准备再次全面征服你的心房!
In the midst of a sold-out stadium tour, the British boy band found time to cut a new album. The pop phenoms announced they will release “Four” on Nov. 17.
The boys paired the album news by issuing a free track. “Fireproof,” which is lifted from the album, can be downloaded for the next 24 hours via their official website.
“Four” is One Direction’s fourth album in four years and the follow-up to 2013’s “Midnight Memories.”
Their first three albums all debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 charts and each went platinum in the U.S.
"Hey guys! We're so excited to announce our fourth album, Four! We've worked incredibly hard writing and recording it whilst we've been on the road and we couldn't have done it without your support," the group wrote on the website. "As a special thank you for everything you guys have done for us we wanted to give you 'Fireproof'-it's a track from the album and you can get it free right now. You'll be able to download it for free for the next 24 hours. We hope you enjoy it and we can't wait for you to listen to the album in full. Thank you, you guys mean the world to us."
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Billboard describes the band's newly released "Fireproof" single as "an easy-going pop song eschewing the high-energy attack of 'Best Song Ever' or the Mumford-lite vibe of 'Story of My Life' in favor of a gentle (and extremely catchy) melody.
So what can 1D fans expect from the band's upcoming album?
Well, according to The Daily Mail, "Four" will be the band's most personal and candid album to date.
Despite One Direction's massive superstardom and the success of selling 46 million records worldwide thus far, the band still remains humble and shocked by their success.
In the band's concert film, "Where We Are," 1D star Louis reveals that the band members refer to themselves as "scumbags."
"I feel like we've blagged it again," he says in the film. "You look at the names of who's played at Wembley and you almost feel like you're not worthy of it. We just feel like we're just little scumbags."
One Direction is beginning a three-night stint at the Rose Bowl on Thursday as part of its Where We Are tour.