英伦音乐传奇皇后合唱团(Queen)在主唱佛莱迪墨克瑞(Freddie Mercury)辞世多年后仍拥有崇高地位,他的高亢嗓音、舞台魅力以及造型至今仍蔚为经典。唱片公司宣佈将于11月10日发行【Queen Forever】精选辑,收录三首从未发表的歌曲,其中包括佛莱迪与麦可杰克森合唱的"There Must Be More to Life Than This",让无数乐迷惊叹!
麦克杰克森拥有「流行乐之王」美誉,皇后合唱团至今仍是英国最畅销专辑纪录保持人,双方英雄惜英雄的合作歌曲却在因为种种原因,完成录音后32年才推出。这首"There Must Be More to Life Than This"在1982年就已录製好,却因为当时双方各自忙碌而迟迟未推出,没想到一拖就是三十多年过去。直到今年皇后合唱团同意唱片公司发行【Queen Forever】精选辑,这首歌才得以开箱出土。英国超级製作人William Orbit身负重任为这首歌重新溷音,他表示当自己第一次听到这段珍贵录音时,彷彿麦可又重新活了过来,「麦可的声音是如此的振奋人心、如此的有生命力,这实在是太酷了,就好像是他就站在录音室现场演唱一样。」
皇后合唱团出道40多年来,创下全球三亿张惊人唱片销量,众多歌曲至今仍不断传唱。即将推出【Queen Forever】精选辑则收录皇后合唱团跨世代的情歌经典,由吉他手布莱恩梅(Brian May)与鼓手罗杰泰勒(Roger Taylor)亲自挑选曲目。布莱恩梅表示:「这些歌曲与其说是畅销经典,其实更代表着我们一路走来的成长。」
Deluxe Edition 封面
Queen Forever is an upcoming compilation album by English rock band Queen. It has been anticipated for some time and features tracks the band had "forgotten about" with vocals from original frontman Freddie Mercury. Bassist John Deacon is also on the tapes.
Drummer Roger Taylor spoke about the album in December 2013, stating that he and guitarist Brian May were "getting together...in the new year to finish what we've got there and then we're going to fashion some kind of album". May announced the title as a compilation album in a radio interview on BBC Radio Wales on 23 May 2014 at the Hay Festival. It will be the first Queen album to feature unreleased material from Freddie Mercury (who died in 1991) and John Deacon (who retired from music show biz in 1997) since 1995's Made in Heaven. The album will be released by Hollywood Records on 10 November 2014.