

7 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





威豹合唱团 / 十破天惊

成立于英格兰的Def Leppard于1983年以专辑‘Pyromania’狂卖九百万张,成为引领以双吉他为特色的新英伦重金属风格之两大支柱之一,成军六年便有此辉煌成就,的确令所有摇滚迷与乐评眼睛为之一亮。
  正当Def Leppard名利双收,声势如日中天之际,鼓手Rick Allen却在’84年12月31日因车祸丧失左臂,但其余团员并未遗弃他,反而支持他以专门设计的鼓继续留在乐团效力。’87年第四张专辑‘Hysteria’成绩更胜以往,不仅勇夺冠军、畅销逾十一白金,更缔造金属团一张专辑发行七首商业单曲的史无前例纪录,其中包含冠军曲"Love Bites"及亚军曲"Pour Some Sugar On Me"。但不幸事件再度降临,元老吉他手Steve Clark于’91年初骤逝,致使第五张专辑‘Adrenalize’延宕一年才推出,不过’92年,原为Dio、Whitesnake等乐团的明星吉他手Vivian Campbell也加入,于是以主唱Joe Elliott、贝斯手Rick Savage、鼓手Rick Allen和两位吉他手Vivian Campbell、Phil Collen所组成的阵容也就一直维持至今。
  【X】的专辑名称为罗马数字十,不仅代表该团的第十张专辑,也是现有组成团员合作至今十年的纪念大碟。【X】的录制工作分三地完成:首先从主唱Elliott家乡都柏林开始,后来决定加入不一样的音乐元素,所以前往美国洛杉矶,此行主要目的是与Marty Frederiksen(常和Aerosmith合唱团合作)共事;返回都柏林前,再转往瑞典请出曾为小甜甜布兰妮、超级男孩与新好男孩打造畅销曲的Andreas Carlsson及Per Aldeheim跨刀制作歌曲"Unbelievable"。
  此辑共收录十三首新曲,其中的"Now"、"Unbelievable"、"Everyday"以空心吉他展开后再加入电吉他,让人联想起该团的畅销曲"Two Steps Behind"式的中板摇滚曲;抒情摇滚曲"Long Long Way To Go"、"Let Me Be The One"耐听动人;而熟悉的电吉他与摇滚风格出现在"You’re So Beautiful"、"Cry"、"Four Letter Word"等曲,后者极富AC/DC乐团的况味;最具流行节拍感的非"Gravity"一曲莫属,是蜕变后的新威豹之声。

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

No matter how hard Def Leppard pushed 1999's Euphoria, it just didn't take off. No matter how many times they were on VH1 in the years separating that album and its successor, 2002's X, the group failed to stay in popular consciousness as an active band -- after all, a much-repeated Behind the Music and a made-for-TV biopic aren't the best way to signal that a band is still vital. X isn't likely to change that reputation, either, since much of it sounds like the band is desperate for a hit again. To their credit, they're not chasing the new, hip sound -- no stabs at nu-metal or rap-rock here -- but they've decided to act their age. Unfortunately, that pretty much means they've left rock behind, turning out a bunch of even-handed adult-pop that is melodic without being tuneful, or memorable for that matter. Even when the tempo is kicked up a bit, there isn't much kick to their rhythms; never before has a song called "Four Letter Word" sounded so clean. There are some exceptions to the rule, where Leppard still shows signs of being a great band -- there's a chorus or a bridge here and there with spark, "You're So Beautiful" and "Everyday" are the kind of sugar-sweet, heavy-pop songs that make this band so irresistible -- but the slick production and self-conscious maturity make X a leaden affair, unfortunately.