
Greatest Hits

169 吉他谱  1 求谱  10 拨片 


唱片公司:Geffen Records



Greatest Hits专辑介绍 也许不曾对摇滚感冒的你,压根没听说"GUNS N'ROSES"这个怪名字;也许这个近年来无甚作为的乐队,不再吸引你的目光。但是,如果你脑海中还有对《魔鬼终结者》和《夜访吸血鬼》这些大片的记忆,你就一定被他们的声音沸腾过...前无古人 后无来者 重金难买一段历史 百年之后只剩枪与玫瑰怨叹生不逢时吗? 没有躬逢其盛吗?唯一的一次机会 史上最完整的纪录(请以朝圣的心情反复感受这79分钟 直到痛哭流涕为止) 有些团风光排行,有些团不按牌理出牌,有些团屌到不行,有些团嗑药酗酒问题丛生,有些团随时都有解散的可能,这些特质Guns N' Roses都有,但是,有一项特质不是每支团都有,那就是改变摇滚乐面貌的力量,站在重金属摇滚肆虐全球的交叉口,Guns N' Roses将狂暴喧闹的朋克精神,辅以一些蓝调、民谣的佐料,灌注在劲爆生猛的摇滚旋律上,出道之初就被全美传媒冠上“新世代的Led Zeppelin”的封号,他们的快歌令人血脉贲张,他们的芭乐歌照样令人感动万千,举凡所有关于摇滚乐的火力、热力、爆炸力、原创性、致命性、边缘性、争议性,Guns N' Roses样样具备,所发表的五张专辑、一张EP跟一张现场演唱专辑,张张都是滚石杂志4星级或5星级的满分评鉴,更是名列Q、Spin等各大杂志80/90年代重量级作品名单,这群坏胚子玩起摇滚乐绝不装模作样,只想为乐迷找回听摇滚乐时那种超过瘾的感觉!

Amazon Info:If time is the true test, then Guns N' Roses' Greatest Hits confirms that they really were one of the greatest rock & roll bands in the world. While, in retrospect, fellow graduates of the class of 1987 are about as cool as poodle perms and spandex, the LA bad boys still rock like gods. Listening to the sun-drenched chords of "Paradise City" and the ensuing stadium-sized swagger is enough to make wearing leather trousers and bandanas seem like a good idea. Of course, it helped that for them sex, drugs and rock & roll was a way of life, not a fashion statement. As Axl Rose wails "I wanna watch you bleed" on "Welcome to the Jungle", like a chain-smoking lunatic possessed, it's hard not to believe he meant it. Yet equally, it was his surprisingly poetic nature that made genuinely touching love songs of "Patience" and "Sweet Child of Mine". Though none of their subsequent albums matched the drug-crazed genius of Appetite for Destruction, they did, as the Greatest Hits reminds, have their moments. From the bloated Use Your Illusion I & II came ultimate rock ballads "Don't Cry" and "November Rain", along with the primal rage that was "You Could Be Mine". And while the covers of the The Spaghetti Incident were largely forgettable, the fact that their final single was a seedy sneer through the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil" seems spectacularly fitting. --Dan Gennoe .