
Does This Look Infected?

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Does This Look Infected?专辑介绍
2002年,Sum 41携第三张专辑《Does This Look Infected?》重返战场。“我们实在不知道为什么会用那个名字,当时经理打电话过来,说如果10分钟之内还想不出个好名字,那么专辑发行时间就会推迟至两个月以后,那实在有够糟糕的,所以我们一边看着自己在英国扮僵尸的宣传照,一边挖空心思想着那该死的名字,最终照片被确认为专辑封套,就那张被裹着头的,然后在场的其他哥们不禁脱口而出‘老兄,这样像不像是被感染?’(Dude, does this look infected or something?),OK,专辑的封套与名称就如此戏剧般地诞生了。”活泼、幽默的鲜明个性在音乐中一如既往,可与此同时又蕴藏着大量的危险性与毁灭性,如果我是医生,我就会告诉你,Sum 41的音乐对健康无益,收听时请慎重,首发单曲“Still Waiting”以其凌厉攻势侵占英美各大榜单,“Hell Song”的MTV则让你领教了谁才是摇滚界的幽默大师,那些对Metallica、the Osbournes等乐队的模仿极俱颠覆性,引起极大争议。

Sum 41 album three, Does This Look Infected?, is much like Sum 41 album two, which was much like their lesser-known indie debut, Half Hour of Power. Which means, Does This Look Infected? sounds much like the work of Blink-182's snottier kid brothers, who are just in it for good times. Frankly, it's kind of a relief to be spared both the smutty double entendres and the self-pity, and while they still rely too much on processed guitar distortion and have sparkling productions, Sum 41 makes up for that cleanliness with vigorous performances and simple, catchy hooks. It's pretty fun, particularly since the whole affair is blissfully short at a few minutes over a half-hour, giving it a nice, punchy effect. There's nothing here that's unexpected, but it's delivered well, so it's a fun little record...but it's not much more than that, either.