
Is This It

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Is This It专辑介绍
可以说the Strokes是当代美国最出色的独立摇滚乐队之一。不过与绝大多数美国摇滚乐队不同的是,他们的音乐更多的带有英国摇滚乐的特点。纽约的许多成功的地下摇滚乐队对the Strokes在音乐道路上有着重要的影响,而朋克乐队Television和Iggy Pop的乐队对他们的音乐风格也产生了一定的影响,对于乐队核心Julian Casablancas而言,甲壳虫乐队的巨星John Lennon对他的影响则是无可替代的,这也基本上是乐队英国情结的根源,而他们在很年轻的时候最为崇拜的乐队也是来自英国。
  the Strokes的几名成员很早的时候就是相互之间最好的朋友,乐队的雏形最早成立于1998年,Julian Casablancas的是一名模特公司老板的儿子,他和吉他手Nick Valensi,以及在上小学以前就已经开始练习敲鼓的鼓手Fabrizio Moretti一起参加了曼哈顿一家学校的活动。不久之后,缺乏贝司手的他们找到了Nikolai Fraiture,并且很快就把他吸引入队弥补了空缺。随后,来自洛杉矶的小Albert Hammond也被Julian Casablancas邀请加入了这支还没有名字的乐队,小Albert Hammond的父亲是老牌的歌手兼词曲作者Albert Hammond,老Albert Hammond还曾经在1987年获得过奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖的提名。1999年,Julian Casablancas的乐队正式把名字叫做the Strokes。
  在the Strokes乐队成立之初,他们只能通过一些小型的演唱会来展示自己,他们在一些酒吧,俱乐部,夜总会演出。经过了将近两年的不稳定生活之后,他们已经在纽约的一定范围内有了比较大的名气。2001年对于the Strokes乐队是具有转折意义的一年,1月,Rough Trade唱片公司为他们发行了一张只有三手单曲组成的EP试音唱片《The Modern Age》,但是这张专辑居然出人意料的引起了相当大的关注,随后的签约争夺战中RCA唱片公司拿到了合约,the Strokes乐队的声名也通过8月27日在Rough Trade唱片公司发行的首张专辑《Is This It》的英国版迅速跃过了大西洋传到了英伦三岛上,并且取得了相当了得的成绩,但是唱片封面上,一只带着黑皮手套的手放在了一名裸露的女人臀部,因而在保守的英国引起了不小的争议。但是争议归争议,通过在英国场场门票售尽,歌迷爆满的巡演,the Strokes乐队在英国的拥趸数量与日俱增,他们开始成为一股强大的摇滚势力冲击着英国乐坛。9月25日,《Is This It》的美国版本才姗姗来迟,不过专辑封面倒是换成了相对“稳妥”的图案,同时由于专辑是在9·11事件发生仅仅两周之后发行,因而撤掉了原来英国版中3分36秒的单曲《New York City Cops(纽约城巡警)》而改为了2分57秒的单曲《When It Started》。经过大规模的全美巡演之后,音乐风格与众不同的the Strokes乐队逐渐发展为了美国最重要的乐队之一,他们的音乐不仅得到了乐迷们的追捧,跟难能可贵的是还得到了一向苛刻的评论界的大量的赞誉之辞,他们独特的音乐风格的到了一致的认可。
  2002年,the Strokes乐队展开了贯通全年的漫长巡回演出,并且还和另一支有布鲁斯风格的独立摇滚乐队the White Stripes一起演出,经过巡演之后,乐队的影响力日益增大。进入2003年,着名的《滚石》杂志在10月底把the Strokes乐队作为了杂志的封面人物,一句标题“The new kings of rock cut loose”足以说明他们所取得的成就了。同时,the Strokes乐队也完成了他们倍受期待的第二张专辑《Room on Fire》的录制工作,2003年10月21日,第二张专辑《Room on Fire》正式发行。

The Strokes——《Is This It》美国版专辑封面

Blessed and cursed with an enormous amount of hype from the British press, the Strokes prove to be one of the few groups deserving of their glowing reviews. Granted, their high-fashion appeal and faultless influences -- Television, the Stooges, and especially Lou Reed and the Velvets -- have "critics' darlings" written all over them. But like the similarly lauded Elastica and Supergrass before them, the Strokes don't rehash the sounds that inspire them -- they remake them in their own image. On the Modern Age EP, singles like Hard to Explain, and their full-length debut, Is This It, the N.Y.C. group presents a pop-inflected, second-generation take on late-'70s New York punk, complete with raw, world-weary vocals, spiky guitars, and an insistently chugging backbeat. However, their songs also reflected their own early-twenties lust for life; singer/songwriter/guitarist Julian Casablancas and the rest of the band mix swaggering self-assurance with barely concealed insecurity on "The Modern Age" and reveal something akin to earnestness on "Barely Legal" -- a phrase that could apply to the Strokes themselves -- in the song's soaring choruses. The group revamps "Lust for Life" on "New York City Cops" and combines their raw power and infectious melodies on "Hard to Explain," arguably the finest song they've written in their career. Nearly half of Is This It consists of their previously released material, but that's not really a disappointment since those songs are so strong. What makes their debut impressive, however, is that the new material more than holds its own with the tried-and-true songs. "Is This It" sets the joys of being young, jaded, and yearning to a wonderfully bouncy bassline; "Alone Together" and "Trying Your Luck" develop the group's brooding, coming-down side, while "Soma," "Someday," and "Take It or Leave It" capture the Strokes at their most sneeringly exuberant. Able to make the timeworn themes of sex, drugs, and rock & roll and the basic guitars-drum-bass lineup seem new and vital again, the Strokes may or may not be completely arty and calculated, but that doesn't prevent Is This It from being an exciting, compulsively listenable debut when those are few and far between. [In light of the World Trade Center disaster, the track "New York City Cops" was pulled from the U.S. release].