
Are You Dead Yet?

85 吉他谱  1 求谱  14 拨片 


唱片公司:Spinefarm Records



Are You Dead Yet?专辑介绍
与Dark Tranquillity、In Flames并列为最成功的三大旋律死亡金属团
拒绝软弱苍白假摇滚 新世纪金属摇滚再翻新 如恶魔末世降临挑战聆听极限
将旋律金属编融至北欧风格死亡金属中 交互流窜出古典旋律及速度金属咆嚎
  80年代美国西岸L.A.引发出的金属摇滚风潮,直至90年代西雅图爆发属於地下音乐Grunge最原始的呐喊,连带点燃Brit-Pop的大肆涌入,许多延伸多变的摇滚能量都在当中不时发酵酝酿着。似乎欧洲顶着更为粗暴、重力加速度的强力气流,已经蓄势待发瞄准国际舞台,就连美国市场大饼,甚至流行跨界市场,都在虎视眈眈的准备出击一搏。环球音乐这个大家庭,不仅是黑人音乐大本营,更是新新另类摇滚之温床,然而旋律式死亡金属大团Children Of Bodom (以下简称C.O.B.)的悄然入籍,无疑增添更为宽广的市场包容性,让全球乐迷见识到C.O.B.的独特魅力!

  来自芬兰首都赫尔辛基的C.O.B.,由主唱/吉他手Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho和鼓手Jaska Raatikainen所创立,随後加入吉他手Alexander "Ale" Kuoppala,贝斯手Henkka Blacksmith与键盘手Janne Warman等五名团员,早在1993年便已成军,将旋律金属音韵编融至北欧风格死亡金属中,流窜出古典旋律及速度金属的交互进行,过瘾至极加上吉他Solo穿绕,组合出一股强而有力的音乐新浪潮。团名则是源自於芬兰境内一桩骇人听闻,至今尚未侦破的恐怖凶杀案而来,出事地点就在赫尔辛基的Lake Bodom。凭藉五位热血小子精湛演出,名声迅速在北欧各地传播开来,1997年推出了首张专辑『Something Wild』,获得乐迷高度赞誉,接着陆续问世『Hatebreeder』(1999)、『Follow The Reaper』(2000)、『Hate Crew Deathroll』(2003)等四张专辑,其中也企划发行现场实况『Tokyo Warheart』,都成为唱片公司销售的保证!

  与Dark Tranquillity、In Flames并列为最成功的三大旋律死亡金属乐团C.O.B.,经过两年马不停蹄的世界巡回演出,带着第五张录音室新作【Are You Dead Yet?】回来了!请到Mikko Karmila (Stratovarius、Nightwish、Edguy)与C.O.B.共同制作。极具速度且旋律性的吉他音色加上稠密鼓点,开场曲"Living Dead Beat"如同一只猛兽般直袭而来,让人毫无招架能力;高涨的情绪,随着鞭打式的猛爆音浪夹杂撕裂怒吼,"Are You Dead Yet?"挑战你的聆听极限;隆隆作响导引出热血沸腾的双吉他与键盘对飙,无不对"In You Face"澎湃汹涌之煽动气息感到颤抖不已;再次追回残酷杀人事件的"Bastards Of Bodom",为鲜红杀戮沾染出如恶魔降临般的咆嚎!新世纪的金属摇滚再翻新,一堆复古潮流还在不停翻搅轰炸之际,快来聆听北欧最呛辣的正点悸动!(博客来)

by Greg Prato

With the presence of brutal riffs and keyboards, Finland's Children of Bodom sounds at times like Fear Factory fronted by a hardcore screamer, especially on their 2005 release, Are You Dead Yet? The group's fifth studio album (which was co-produced by Children of Bodom and Mikko Karmila, the chap who produced their previous outing, 2003's Hate Crew Deathroll) shows the quintet plowing full steam ahead, as the venom continues to bubble to the surface throughout. But the group also has an unmistakable prog metal edge to boot, as the tricky interplay between guitarist Alexi Wildchild Laiho (who also doubles as vocalist) and keyboardist Janne Warmen on "Punch Me I Bleed" certainly brings to mind Dream Theater. And since it's nearly impossible to hear any new European metal band from the mid-'90s onward and not hear an unmistakable Iron Maiden influence, the guitar work between Laiho and Roope Latvala in "Bastards of Bodom" certainly brings to mind Dave Murray and Adrian Smith. Although they may often be lumped in with the majority of other European "extreme metal" bands, there is definitely a progressive air that surrounds Children of Bodom.