

16 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 


唱片公司:Virgin Records



美籍顶尖制作人Tony Hoffer (Beck, Air, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Belle & Sebastian, Phoenix)二度出马监制
空降全英专辑榜# 1;权威音乐网站AMG四颗半星超优评价;The Independent、The Guardian一致四星推荐
2006年发行首张专辑《翻天覆地 Inside In / Inside Out》后,The Kooks缔造全球2百万张的惊人销量,他们先后入围角逐Q杂志、MTV欧洲音乐大奖与全英音乐奖等年度重要奖项,并一举夺下英国Radio 1听众票选「2006年最佳乐队」头衔。首张专辑发行后,The Kooks很争气地一路攀升至英国金榜亚军,今天他们则带着全新大碟《KONK》重返乐坛,破除许多新兴乐队后继无力的恐怖魔咒,此次二度出辑The Kooks气势强压乐坛老将新秀,成功空降英国金榜冠军宝座。现年22岁的主唱Luke Pritchard,身为乐队的创作灵魂,他擅长以流行旋律表现摇滚、放克、灵魂与雷鬼等不同曲风,他笔下的歌词简洁有力,总是能够轻易触动乐迷的心。2007年英国媒体首度披露,The Kooks在人事上面临前所未见的挑战,甚至一度出现他们可能解散的传言。而贝斯手Max Rafferty脱队的消息,在2008年1月底正式获得乐队证实,目前他的遗缺由同乡乐队Cat The Dog的贝斯手Dan Logan暂时顶替。虽然历经人事变动,2008年对The Kooks却是一个全新的开始,他们先是靠着第二张专辑的主打单曲〈Always Where I Need To Be〉打入全英单曲榜第3名,今(2008)年甫于4月底发行的最新大碟《KONK》,更直接空降全英专辑榜冠军。
当初The Kooks在首张专辑录制期间,总计创作了整整21首作品,这次为了筹备第二张专辑,乐队则足足写了将近90首歌曲,而去芜存菁的结果你正拿在手上。专辑名称《KONK》主要是根据他们本次选用的录音室来命名,位于英国伦敦的KONK,是英国经典乐队The Kinks主唱Ray Davies的个人名下财产,也是The Kooks完成音乐再进化的主要据点。事实上除了伦敦的KONK,本张专辑的录音地点还包括同样位于伦敦的RAK录音室,团员们甚至还远渡重洋,亲自造访美国好莱坞的录音室Sound Factory。由于双方对于上次合作成果都感到十分满意,此次The Kooks二度邀请首张专辑制作人Tony Hoffer (Beck, Air, Belle & Sebastian)回锅监制。流行悦耳的旋律始终是The Kooks创作的根本,他们这一次在后制工作上花费了更多心力,在编曲与混音上更加严谨要求,保有摇滚与实验精神,却不给人愤世嫉俗的压力。主打单曲〈Always Where I Need To Be〉副歌部份的do-do-do哼唱与拍手声,十分傻气俏皮,营造出过耳难忘的绝佳感染力;〈Do You Wanna〉的吉他飙奏,展现他们前所未见的强悍,Luke的声音不仅未见退缩,还在亢奋与低回中变换自如;〈Sway〉中吉他手Hugh Harris展现他精湛的弹奏技巧;〈Mr. Maker〉是乐队捏造出来的虚构人物;〈One Last Time〉、〈Gap〉两首歌曲,则是让人揪心的惨情告白。不论是站着听.躺着听.开车听.边扭边听.怎么听都好听 -- 欢迎大家一同进入由The Kooks亲自导览的新世代摇滚音乐大厅!

Konk, the second album from indie pop starlets The Kooks, will appeal to those who enjoyed the catchier, hookier elements of their best-selling debut Inside In/Inside Out. For the band are more "pop" than "indie" this time around, and Konk is an overt attempt at winning even more chart-topping kudos: and it's not a bad attempt at that. Recorded over a six-week period at the end of 2007 (in Ray Davies' Konk Studios in London), the album's first single "Always Where I Need to Be" is as insouciantly catchy as a contemporary rock band can get, while tracks like opener "See the Sun," and "Mr. Maker", with its infectious hand claps, are equally accessible. There's tougher fare like "Sway", which show the boys can blast it when they want, but the album generally plays it safe, grappling (clumsily in places) with themes of love and sex, and revealing not a great deal of musical or lyrical depth in the process (see "Do You Wanna"). The album runs out of steam towards the end, and though fans of their earlier material will love it, fussier indie fans will probably point their ears towards something less contrived. --Danny McKenna

Product Description
Deluxe version of The Kooks "Konk" with bonus disc includes acoustic versions of 2 "Konk" tracks and five exclusive tracks