
Born to Die

11 吉他谱  1 求谱  5 拨片 


唱片公司:Interscope Records



Born to Die专辑介绍

★2012年最闪耀新人 未发片即获全英音乐奖/NME音乐奖提名的全方位创作才女★
★空降英国金榜冠军 美国告示牌亚军 全球14国iTunes专辑榜冠军★
★收录代表作“Video Games”、“Blue Jeans”、“Born To Die”,精装盘再加收3首歌曲★

*2012最耀眼的新进歌手… GQ杂志
*征服人心的神秘感,流行乐坛的新女皇正式加冕… Q杂志
*超迷人…一张值得完全臣服的极致风格大作… SPIN杂志
*一张讨喜且潜力无穷的专辑,她悄悄的将嘻哈节奏融入复古失恋情歌中… 时代杂志
*Lana Del Rey在聚光灯下发光发热的日子才刚要开始… Vogue
*极其优雅的歌声,只要一句就足以融化你的心… W Magazine

2012年请你牢记这个名字「Lana Del Rey」,因为她独一无二的音乐风格、充满戏剧张力的视觉影像、还有好莱坞风华的绝色外貌,即将席卷全球流行乐坛和时尚圈。

1986年6月21日出生在纽约的Elizabeth Grant,她优雅复古的艺名Lana Del Rey与她的音乐相互辉映,许多乐评形容她为「黑帮版的南西辛纳屈(法兰克辛纳屈之女/美国歌手/女演员)」。她以「好莱坞流行乐/伤心悲歌」定义自己的音乐风格,创造了让人耳目一新的新品种流行音乐。她初试啼声的作品"Video Games"获得压倒性的好评,自制自导的音乐录影带在YouTube吸引超过2690万人点阅,转瞬间Lana成为全球乐坛瞩目的新焦(娇)点,专辑尚未发行就引起各国抢人大战;全英音乐奖、NME音乐奖争相提名;演唱会甫开卖就售罄;告示牌、NME、Q、Interview、Complex等杂志封面人物;Lana更以未发片新人之姿登上美国指标性综艺节目SNL周末夜现场和大卫赖特曼秀。Lana Del Rey绝对是2012年乐坛最闪耀的一颗超级新星。

Lana Del Rey与制作人Emile Haynie(*Eminem阿姆)合作的首张专辑【Born To Die】一发行便空降英国专辑榜冠军,美国告示牌亚军,以及全球14个国家的iTunes专辑榜冠军。Lana在视觉构筑与歌曲创作元素上深受导演大卫林奇的影响,以及50年代美国黑白电影原声带的启发,蜕变成她那对比着冷淡与热情、串联着电影场景隐喻的歌唱风格,在"Video Games"引发热烈回响之后,激发她写出更多宛如置之死地而后重生的人生故事,还有蕴藏危险因子并交织着电影声光影像的华丽流行乐曲。从好莱坞影星詹姆斯狄恩形象衍生而出的叛逆爱恋大作"Blue Jeans"、弥漫60年代美国流行情歌氛围的感伤恋曲"Million Dollar Man"、华丽美妙的"Lolita"、闪动嘻哈神采的"National Anthem",每一首歌都满载着Lana Del Rey惊人的音乐唱作能量。

(by 博客来)


Sometimes stars emerge. Sometimes stars are thrust upon us. And sometimes stars simply slip into the atmosphere as if propelled by something otherworldly. It is into this last category that the astonishing presence, voice, look and feel of Lana Del Rey falls. Musical stardom is not an option with Ms Del Rey. It is her vocation. She calls herself the `gangsta Nancy Sinatra' and defines her genre as `Hollywood pop/ sadcore', a dramatic new loop for pop music.

Lana Del Rey grew up Lizzy Grant in Lake Placid on the outer edges of New York State. Herein some of her unique music flavour was incubated. `It has an epic, nostalgic feel. It's in the middle of a national park that is six hours from New York City. But it's also a struggle because it's a town built on tourism that no-one goes to anymore.'

At 18, she fulfilled her lifelong ambition of decamping to New York City. `Since I was little I knew I would end up there,' she says, `Every day is a pleasure there. Every single day I walk out of the door is a good day. I like everything about it. New York totally rewards me for my love of it.'

Lana Del Rey's direct influences were visual as well as musical; David Lynch, soundtracks for `50s black and white movies, the whirring sound of the Ferris at Coney Island, fame itself. She lived in a New Jersey trailer park and decked her homestead in flags, streamers and seasonally inappropriate Christmas lights. `All the things I love,' she notes. This was Lana's world now and it needed to sparkle.

She intends to work with hip-hop heavyweights, with the future-perfect foot soldiers at the coal face of exciting pop. `I know it is going to take a lot of work to get there. But that's OK when you have people around you who believe in you. The record is going to be gorgeous. That much we know. Whether or not it will work? That much we don't know.'

As for the inevitable stardom that will come her way? That is something Lana Del Rey does not fear. `I know a lot of different people. When they are drunk, in the dark of the night they all want the same thing. They all want to be famous. It's innately human to want other people to bear witness to your life. It's important for people to be watched. They don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone.'