
I am a Singer / Songwriter

1 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





I am a Singer / Songwriter专辑介绍

Egil Olsen的歌曲同样也会被定为深夜闲听的作品。边听音乐,边看歌词,能被他打动的不仅仅在于声音的温暖,优美,还有真实吐露人生的欢乐和黑暗。每天旅行在欧洲的国家,带着自己的吉他,每天穿梭在旅店和大街小巷,看到形形色色的人和事,让Egil Olsen多了些人生的看法,而记录下这些片段最好的手段便是把他们都写下来。要说Egil Olsen的吐音上让我觉得这个挪威小子唱歌表情一定够夸张(其实不然,而是很投入,很真诚)。虽然知道Egil Olsen的人并不多,不过在本国因为新专辑的singer/songwriter精彩的Mv,获得了大奖,其实这Mv也说不上有多华丽,多精彩,但就是那么朴实无华的表演还是赢得了大家的认可。

i am a singer / songwriter is an album by and about an eccentric, dreamy and striving artist. a singer / songwriter. egil olsen.
仅凭这句话,Egil Olsen的歌曲值得被感动。

my first 100% solo solo album is a collection of pretty little songs about the hard knock life as a wannabe superstar, love and hope and dreams. after a soul searching road trip on the west coast of the united states, i found the solo artist within; egil olsen. a new era begun and several songs were born. the focus is on the lyrics and the melody with a very simple, near and naked expression. the music is warm, pretty and ever-green with personal lyrics with elements of both humor and darkness.