
Daydream Nation

5 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





Daydream Nation专辑介绍

封面来自德国画家杰哈德·里赫特(Gerhard Richter) 1983年作品《蜡烛》(Kerze)

Sonic Youth似乎一辈子都在想方设法把朋克玩出各种花样,而这张专辑被认为是他的终极成果。他在这张专辑中所进行的种种吉他噪音试验,让专辑的风格远超出了punk的范畴,从而成为了另类摇滚的经典,公认为80年代最棒的专辑之一。不过由于当时唱片公司的经营不善(专辑发行没多久就关门了),影响了专辑的销量,在长期脱销之后的1993年,这张专辑才得到再版,而2007年6月将会发行一套纪念版,相信会在商业上更加有所建树。专辑中的Teen Age Riot是打榜的单曲。


by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

By refining the song-oriented breakthroughs of Sister and developing their fascination with noise and alternate tunings, Sonic Youth created a masterpiece of post-punk art rock with the double-album Daydream Nation. Though the self-conscious sprawl of the album might appear self-indulgent on the surface, Daydream Nation is powered by a sustained vision, one that encapsulates all of the group's quirks and strengths. Alternating between tense, hypnotic instrumental passages and furious noise explosions, the music demonstrates a range of emotions and textures, and in many ways, it's hard not to listen to the record as one long piece of shifting dynamics. But the songs themselves are remarkable, from the anti-anthem of "Teen Age Riot" and the punky "Silver Rocket" to the hazy drug dreams of "Providence" and the rolling waves of "Eric's Trip." Daydream Nation demonstrates the extent to which noise and self-conscious avant art can be incorporated into rock, and the results are nothing short of stunning.