
Siamese Dream

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Siamese Dream专辑介绍
90年代风靡一时的另类摇滚乐队Smashing Pumpkins,曲风融合了重金属、歌特摇滚、迷幻摇滚,在首张专辑发表之后即引起评论界的重视,被誉为“下一个涅磐乐队”,在这张专辑中他们尝试了吉他和管弦乐合奏,成功进入了主流视野,排到Billboard第10位,有450万的销量,获得葛莱美提名。


这张经典专辑在2011年以双CD+DVD的豪华版形式再次发行,除了重新混音的原专辑外,第二张CD中包含了许多未发行的歌曲以及demo版本。DVD收录了他们在1993年8月14日的现场演出——Live at the Metro (Live on August 14, 1993)

by Greg Prato

While Gish had placed the Smashing Pumpkins on the "most promising artist" list for many, troubles were threatening to break the band apart. Singer/guitarist/leader Billy Corgan was battling a severe case of writer's block and was in a deep state of depression brought on by a relationship in turmoil; drummer Jimmy Chamberlin was addicted to hard drugs; and bassist D'Arcy and guitarist James Iha severed their romantic relationship. The sessions for their sophomore effort, Siamese Dream, were wrought with friction -- Corgan eventually played almost all the instruments himself (except for percussion). Some say strife and tension produces the best music, and it certainly helped make Siamese Dream one of the finest alt-rock albums of all time. Instead of following Nirvana's punk rock route, Siamese Dream went in the opposite direction -- guitar solos galore, layered walls of sound courtesy of the album's producers (Butch Vig and Corgan), extended compositions that bordered on prog rock, plus often reflective and heartfelt lyrics. The four tracks that were selected as singles became alternative radio standards -- the anthems "Cherub Rock," "Today," and "Rocket," plus the symphonic ballad "Disarm" -- but as a whole, Siamese Dream proved to be an incredibly consistent album. Such compositions as the red-hot rockers "Quiet" and "Geek U.S.A." were standouts, as were the epics "Hummer," "Soma," and "Silverfuck," plus the soothing sounds of "Mayonaise," "Spaceboy," and "Luna." After the difficult recording sessions, Corgan stated publicly that if Siamese Dream didn't achieve breakthrough success, he would end the band. He didn't have to worry for long -- the album debuted in the Billboard Top Ten and sold more than four million copies in three years. Siamese Dream stands alongside Nevermind and Superunknown as one of the decade's finest (and most influential) rock albums.