
Hate Crew Deathroll

87 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 


唱片公司:Spinefarm Records



Hate Crew Deathroll专辑介绍
热血沸腾的双吉他与键盘对飙 打造雷霆万钧之壮阔气势

于1993年成军的芬兰籍旋律死亡金属巨擘Children Of Bodom是由主唱/吉他手Alexi 'Wildchild' Laiho和鼓手Jaska Raatikainen所创,随後尚加入吉他手Alexander 'Ale' Kuoppala,贝斯手Henkka Blacksmith与键盘手Janne Warman等团员,首张专辑「Something Wild」一发行便成功打入国际市场,为北欧金属史上成名最快的乐团之一。.第四作「Hate Crew Deathroll」为C.O.B.成军以来最heavy的作品,在演奏风格方面也作了些许修正,首先是除了键盘之外,以往带有neo-classical色彩的吉他演奏已被强而有力的power chord所取代,於thrash与speed metal之中游走,但旋律度依旧满载,无庸置疑,此外,键盘的音色也更为多变,这点可从Warman的solo专辑瞧出端倪。由「Hate Crew Deathroll」可看出C.O.B.不断进步的轨迹,不愧是最富旋律性的死亡金属大团!

by John Serba

Four albums in and still whacked on speed, Finnish five-piece Children of Bodom continue with its highly entertaining, giddy, pogo-stick metal on Hate Crew Deathroll. Attitude-wise, CoB has become the Manowar of melodic death metal, willfully leaping off the cliff of over-the-top metaldom (not unlike Swedish supergroup Witchery) -- which is refreshing, considering the poker-faced seriousness of most acts in the genre, and here, main Bodom-ite Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho keeps his tongue firmly in cheek while tearing through squirrelly cuts such as "Triple Corpse Hammerblow" and "Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood." Like its predecessor, Follow the Reaper, Hate Crew finds Laiho firing off frantic speed metal riffs and technical, shred-heavy solos alongside humorously irritating prog/horror movie keyboards; this time, however, he has tightened up the arrangements (most songs clock in under four minutes) and significantly improved the enunciation of his vocal screech, making for a lean, mean, and infectious listen. The album races to the finish of its 36-minute running time, only slowing down for deathly ballad "Angels Don't Kill" and highlight "Sixpounder," which trades busy fretwork for hackle-raising mid-tempo riff chuggery and a monstrous, sweeping, anthemic chorus. Adding to the album's effectiveness is its crisp, crystal-clear, sharp, and mechanical production (Megadeth's stellar Countdown to Extinction is a reference point), which perfectly suits CoB's slice'n'dice songwriting ethic. Hate Crew Deathroll is easily the band's most accomplished, well-rounded, and enjoyable album, thanks to Laiho's playful, frisky approach to metal's clichés; placing Children of Bodom next to comparable European metal acts gives the overtly serious sensibilities of the genre a well-deserved deflating.