
Just Push Play

13 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





Just Push Play专辑介绍 在此最新作品中,Aerosmith依然天衣无缝地将令人一听上耳的流行旋律,与嘎吱乍响、铿锵有声、令人不禁奋力摇摆,如同乐团商标般的摇滚节拍,加以搅碎组合。此辑并首度由主唱Steven Tyler与吉他手Joe Perry主力担纲制作,巧夺天工地将70年代以降的硬式摇滚力量,灌入12首全新创作中。如同专辑同名曲「Just Push Play」「Outta Your Head」,Aerosmith式的节奏蓝调摇滚,便将制式的乐队形式,发挥成热闹欢乐的走势,令人振奋;又好比「Fly Away From Here」「Luv Lies」,铁汉柔情的Aerosmith,也总带来令人无法平息的爱恋情绪;以及完全跳脱旧风格,展现新世代另类吉他演奏风格的首支排行冠军单曲「Jaded」,前卫、迷幻、另类、重金属及抒情交替呈现…,多年来,Aerosmith就是如此在坚守摇滚本位之馀,又不断地汲取新养份、创造市场新成绩。2001年,就让我们再度尽情享有“空中铁匠”无与伦比的狂“放”音乐吧!!

Just Push Play is the 13th studio album by American rock band Aerosmith, released on March 6, 2001, therefore the first Aerosmith album of the 21st century. The album was co-produced by song collaborators Marti Frederiksen and Mark Hudson. The album's first single, "Jaded", became a major Top 10 hit in the U.S. and around the world. As a result, Just Push Play was certified platinum within a month of its release. Subsequent singles "Fly Away from Here", "Sunshine", and "Just Push Play", though garnering some airplay, failed to impact the Hot 100 much, although the latter two charted on the U.S. Mainstream Rock chart and the former charted on the Adult Top 40.