
From Under the Cork Tree

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唱片公司:Island Records



From Under the Cork Tree专辑介绍
爽劲庞克曲式空降全美流行专辑榜TOP 9+网路销售榜亚军

充满年轻活力朝气,畅快将庞克的不羁气焰完全释放,聆听Green Day的音乐带给他们创作上的灵感,些许EMO风格夹带流畅声线,Fall Out Boy虽然和时下偶像团体般,在团名中加入个"Boy"字眼,但是,他们可完全不按牌理出牌,踢爆时下做作男孩偶像团体的面具,给你最热血的新世代之音!

虽然让台湾乐迷感到陌生,但是来自芝加哥的Fall Out Boy,却是在全美地下Hardcore乐界,窜升最快的一组抢眼年轻部队。由主唱/吉他手Patrick Stump、吉他手Joseph Trohman、贝斯手Peter Wentz及鼓手Andrew Hurley四人在2000年组织而成,夹带Metal-Core、Hardcore Punk等劲道,不时点缀出的流行音韵,都让Fall Out Boy的歌曲朗朗上口容易消化,充满旺盛精力所演出的舞台效果,皆是令台下乐迷为之疯狂的诱因。2001年自资发行DEMO带,引起广泛讨论,隔年偕同独立Emo乐团Project Rocket合力发行专辑,这时独立厂牌的兴趣随即蜂拥而至,2003年AMG送上四星半近满分专辑『Take This To Your Grave』,无强大宣传后盾下,狂销20餘万的惊人数字,对Fall Out Boy而言,可是莫大鼓舞,很快的主流大厂纷纷丢出善意合作计画,几经评估花落环球音乐旗下名厂Island,日后大大小小的庞克音乐盛会上,都可看到Fall Out Boy身影,终于苦尽甘来的将他们音乐版图扩展至放眼国际!

正式于主流厂发行的全新大碟《From Under The Cork Tree》,由Patrick和Peter两人联手创作出的25首新歌中,取舍精挑出最终13首作品,果然不负众望的首周推出空降全美流行专辑榜TOP9位置,AMG网站仍然高度赞誉送上四星半近满分评价,制作/混音的部分,则交由重金属到另类摇滚至新世代庞克界赫赫有名的高手Neal Avron (Lita Ford、Weezer、Good Charlotte)主镇!多首落落长的曲名也许让你看得眼花撩乱,但是毫不拖泥带水的爽劲庞克曲式,平均在三分余中快意度过,诚如\\"Of All The Gin Joints In All The World"、"Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying"等标準曲式,体会Fall Out Boy包裹在流畅线条下的过癮Emo情绪;"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner"、"7 Minutes In Heaven"等曲则散发如同New Found Glory、Blink-182等团摇头晃脑的讨喜旋律;相当搞笑的单曲"I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me",宣泄早期Hardcore乐种的影响,会心一笑的故事情节,再再让Fall Out Boy式的幽默表露无遗!

这张专辑这周处于Billboard 200的第18位,上榜33周。

Fall Out Boy's 2003 LP stacked sarcasm, wronged romance, and hardcore-derived passion on the head of a punk-pop pin. Take This to Your Grave was urgent at every turn, and though it fit the conventions of its genre, it was bolder and more memorable than the average release on Kung Fu or Drive-Thru. The kids responded -- Fall Out Boy were fast favorites of the online social networks (MySpace, etc.), and an endless tour schedule solidified their rep. With 2005's From Under the Cork Tree, the band fully delivers on their first full-length's promise. Sure, it nods a little more to the standard dynamics and production tweaks of pop-punk and emo in the mid-2000s -- Cork Tree was produced by Neal Avron, who's worked with A New Found Glory. But in many more ways it's the same album as Grave, a youth-intense blast of pop culture reference, pop-punk hyperactivity, and the feeling that we'll never understand life until Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz tells us about it. And we believe them. Stump is Fall Out Boy's vocalist and guitarist, Wentz its bassist and lyricist. Wentz' verbiage can be lengthy -- "I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me," one title goes -- but he has an innate ability to simultaneously acknowledge and deconstruct the mushy emo soliloquy. Temper that with a road-hardened cynicism about band life, superficial love, and the adventure of signing a record contract, and you have lyrics with a point beyond simply acting up or getting sentimental. "Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for my Sham Friends" is blunt. "Yeah we're friends," Stump says, "Just because we move units." But the album also has a current of longing to it, of missing regular life, regular relationships. Musically, Cork Tree's first five tracks are relentless, with razor-sharp melodies that seem familiar but sound totally unique at the same time. The "Oh! Oh!"s and punchy chords of "Of All the Gin Joints in All the World" are a thrill greater than any Jimmy Eat World album ever; "Sugar, We're Goin Down"'s half-time shifts are triumphs of tumbling words; and the opening track meditates wryly on all-ages shows' fame. Further, when Fall Out Boy rip into "Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year," summer 2005 will not be able to ignore them. "We're the therapists pumping through your speakers/Delivering just what you need," they sing. It's obviously time to embrace our inner mall kid.