
Now That I've Found You: A Collection

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唱片公司:Rounder Records



Now That I've Found You: A Collection专辑介绍
这张发行於95年的精选,可说是将Alison Krauss 本人与AKUS前期的经典一网打尽的必收大碟!AMG及Rolling Stone皆给予四颗星绝赞评价,北美销量高达两百万张,以Bluegrass领域的艺人而言,是非常惊人的销售成绩!里面最为人熟知的歌曲就是〈When You Say Nothing at All〉,这首88年的经典乡村情歌,曾由罗南翻唱作为电影「新娘百分百」的主题曲,但Alison Krauss温柔婉约的版本更是深得台湾乐迷的青睐,另外Alison Krauss也翻唱了披头四的经典〈I Will〉,专辑并收录两首过去未发表的作品〈Oh, Atlanta〉、〈Baby, Now That I’ve Found You〉(两首皆为翻唱老歌),乐评咸认为这张精选是将原属於地域性乐风的Bluegrass推广让全美接受的重要里程碑!(博客来)

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Alison Krauss had been recording a decade before she gained stardom, but she became a star in a big way. Now That I've Found You: A Collection, a retrospective of her ten-year recording career for Rounder, became the surprise hit of 1995, rocketing to number two on the country charts and into the Top 15 on the pop charts, which is remarkable for a musician who had never captured the attention of a mass audience. It may have been a surprising success, but it also was deserved. Krauss was arguably the leading bluegrass musician of the late '80s and early '90s, pushing the music into new directions without losing sight of its roots. Now That I've Found You does a splendid job of chronicling her career, hitting all of the highlights and making a new listener eager to seek out her albums.