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Whitolog专辑介绍 WhitologyThe Beatles是1997年(White Album发行25周年之际)发行的一张Bootleg(专门收入未收入歌曲,DEMO,花絮的专辑类型)专辑,对于Beatles的乐迷而言是具有非常珍贵的历史价值。

如果要我推荐Beatles的合集的话,我会推荐No.1,Love Songs,以及这张Whitology。似乎前两张合集十分的著名,但是Whitology却并没有得到太大的关注。Whitology中一共收录了55首歌曲,还包括了一些没有被收录在专辑中的录音花絮以及Promo,当然还有许多歌曲的mono mix版本以及别的后续版本。专辑是在Beatles创立的厂牌APPLE发行的,录音质量绝对是优秀的。

A bootlegger's selection of the best demos, outtakes, and alternate mixes of all of the songs from "The Beatles" a.k.a. "The White Album". Also included are some relevant interview pieces and promo ads from a radio special aired, presumably, during the 25th anniversary of the "White Album".
-Back In The U.S.S.R.:Only one mono mix exists. This is the version that was released on the mono version of "The Beatles" (white album).
That version was also given by Ringo to british actor Peter Sellers.
-Dear Prudence:Unreleased Take with different ending and different backing vocals
- Happiness Is A Warm Gun:Mono Mix, louder bass at "I Need A Fix" part
-Don't Pass Me By:Different mix, it includes an 30 seconds reprise of the first verse before the final "Don't Pass Me By" chorus.
-Back In The U.S.S.R.:Only one mono mix exists. This is the version that was released on the mono version of "The Beatles" (white album).
That version was also given by Ringo to british actor Peter Sellers.
-I'm So Tired:Early mix, with a different Lennon vocal as well as unused lead guitar and organ overdubs, Rec. on Oct 8, '68