
The Art of Malice

9 吉他谱  8 求谱  115 拨片 


唱片公司:Rocket Science



The Art of Malice专辑介绍 THE ART OF MALICE is John5 s fifth solo album to date. This album is a more reflective journey of pieces in John5 s life. It is a completely different vibe than my other albums, explains John5. The title is derived from the saying kill then with kindness like taking a good approach to obtain a dark result. The song titles vary as vignettes into John5 s life, such as the title "J.W." which are John5 s initials and what his father had called him growing up. "Ya Dig" comes from working with the master of front-men David Lee Roth and also features Billy Sheehan on bass That is Dave s saying and it fits the music. John's guitar prowess remains deeprooted in a number of ifluences from shred-tastic metal to Bluegrass to Delta blues. Its these deep and diverse styles that lend John's playing a sense of adventure, urgency and intimacy all at the same time. John5 is best known for his tour-of-duty with the controversial Marilyn Manson and his current roll as ax-slinger with famed musician and director Rob Zombie. John5 s signature brand of crunching metal & Delta dynamite pickin has been a long time in the making trademark. His music is the bastard child of this intriguing combination of influences, from KISS to Buck Owens of Hee Haw. John5 covers a range of diverse music, far detached from Manson's style, including bluegrass, jazz and classical. Rearranging 100 year old country standards like Sugar Foot Rag and Sweet Georgia Brown, John 5 recorded these treasures pursuant to a younger generation being a cross between heavy rock and aggressive country.