《War》(1983)这是一张难以忘怀的U2专辑,他们长大了,这里不再是少年的青春期世界,而是由少年迈向青年的一个转变,他们开始谈论他们眼里的世界,北爱犹如一颗埋下仇恨的种子,里面有宗教、历史所遗留的矛盾和仇杀,在‘Sunday bloodysunday’、‘New Year's day’‘Second’里都可感受到U2对战争所带来的血腥和杀戮的反对和愤怒,他们第一次用歌声唱出了一个他们眼里的世界。
Opening with the ominous, fiery protest of "Sunday Bloody Sunday," War immediately announces itself as U2's most focused and hardest-rocking album to date. Blowing away the fuzzy, sonic indulgences of October with propulsive, martial rhythms and shards of guitar, War bristles with anger, despair, and above all, passion. Previously, Bono's attempts at messages came across as grandstanding, but his vision becomes remarkably clear on this record, as his anthems ("New Year's Day," "40," "Seconds") are balanced by effective, surprisingly emotional love songs ("Two Hearts Beat as One"), which are just as desperate and pleading as his protests. He performs the difficult task of making the universal sound personal, and the band helps him out by bringing the songs crashing home with muscular, forceful performances that reveal their varied, expressive textures upon repeated listens. U2 always aimed at greatness, but War was the first time they achieved it.