
Train of Thought

42 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





Train of Thought专辑介绍 梦剧场合唱团 / 思想列车

由主唱James LaBrie、吉他手John Petrucci、鼓手Mike Portnoy、键盘手Jordan Rudess和贝斯手John Myung五人组成、曲风深受皇后(Queen)、创世纪(Genesis)、平克佛洛伊德(Pink Floyd)等前卫、艺术乐团影响的Dream Theater虽以九○年代盛行的Thrash Metal为主干,但音乐上却较同类型团体更富旋律、内容更具叙事性。

梦剧场乐团继2002年推出双CD专辑“Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence”之后,2003年的新专辑“Train Of Thought”虽只有七首歌,但是时间接近70分钟,再度呈现了他们一贯有着恢弘气度的重金属风格。〝As I Am″倡导的是人须有自己的判断力,不要命令别人该如何行事,凡事都应自己体验而后形成一个“自我”。前奏长达两分钟的〝This Dying Soul″歌曲叙述一个成长的故事,不过整个过程又似乎是众多青少年的共同经历,从摸索、反叛到迷失,重要的是能否靠自己或别人的扶持重回正轨及时清醒,才不致于一生都在Dying Soul状态。〝Endless Sacrifice″也同样是颇副哲理的观点,经常的妥协、时光的虚掷造成的结果就是无止境的牺牲。〝Honor Thy Father″歌名虽为表扬故事里主人翁的父亲,但歌词上却提到他的父亲只是血缘关系,却对家庭造成的伤害,主人翁心里造成的阴影浑然无所知。不到3分钟空虚感十足的〝Vacant″延续着11分多钟的演奏曲〝Stream Of Consciousness″,一连串的自我觉醒,情绪从无助、惊蛰到平静一气呵成。〝In The Name Of God″列举了多项以神之名行罪恶之实。梦剧场乐团的新专辑“Train Of Thought”颠覆既有思考,也不无病呻吟,已脱离了重金属原本只为愤怒喧泄的范畴另提供听者一个再思考、探讨内心、环境、社会的机会。
by Thom Jurek

Three years after Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, it's great to hear that Dream Theater hadn't lost their überheavy edge. John Petrucci, Mike Portnoy, Jordan Rudess, and bassist John Myung effectively peeled back the pretentious excesses of Six Degrees, turned them in on themselves, and came up with a leaner, meaner but no less ambitious outing. The centerpiece track, despite the fact that it is second on the disc, is "This Dying Soul: IV. Reflections of Reality (Revisited)." A tome about alcoholism and recovery, it's strident riff opens out onto vast sonic panoramas where pianos and rhythm section offer Petrucci the space he needs to take his guitar playing into overdrive. Also, lyrically this is an evolutionary track on the set; it opens doors for the rest of the narratives here. Whereas the opener, "As I Am," is an anthem of resistance and independence, from "This Dying Soul" onward, themes of acceptance, surrender, and willingness become the M.O. for transcendent transformation. Struggles with the past, new encounters, and near despair are common themes, as on the brilliantly textured and detailed "Train of Though." Note the beautiful interplay between the guitars and keyboards on "Endless Sacrifice," the insane drums and buzz saw attack on the intro to "Honor Thy Father," or the brilliant play on the intro to "Seasons of Whither" in the intro to "In the Name of God," before the almighty riffing takes it into crunchland with a deep, poignant reflection on spiritual and religious hypocrisy. This is hard, heavy progressive metal at its very best lyrically and musically.