
Mob Rules

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唱片公司:Warner Bros.



Mob Rules专辑介绍

  Ozzy Osbourne塑造出摇滚大魔头形象,利用极高亢嗓音辨识度以及作风狂妄的舞台表演,都成为Black Sabbath鲜明的注册商标。Ozzy与几位志同道合朋友组成Black Sabbath,高分贝的音量、充满血腥与十足感官刺激的舞台表演,一再唤起金属/摇滚迷们欲求解放的心,开创一页页传奇新史,不时为金属/摇滚乐注入全新气象。

  1981年即问世的【Mob Rules】专辑,登记英国金榜Top12的白金认证+美国Top29金唱片销售,仍然请到合作愉快的英伦金属界重量级大师Martin Birch(Deep Purple、Iron Maiden、Fleetwood Mac)全权掌舵。虽然主唱换上第二任的领导人物Ronnie James Dio,仍满溢着旺盛金属霸气与活力,其中登记全美主流摇滚榜Top24的“Turn Up The Night”、以及全美主流摇滚榜Top46的“Voodoo”,都是在当时点燃大英帝国新浪潮金属界火焰的经典。2010年精装版特蒐伦敦现场收音实况,更添珍藏价值!

by Ed Rivadavia

1981's Mob Rules was the second Black Sabbath album to feature vertically challenged singer Ronnie James Dio, whose powerful pipes and Dungeons and Dragons lyrics initially seemed like the perfect replacement for the recently departed and wildly popular Ozzy Osbourne. In fact, all the ingredients which had made their first outing, Heaven and Hell, so successful are re-utilized on this album, including legendary metal producer Martin Birch (Deep Purple, Whitesnake, etc.) and supporting keyboard player Geoff Nichols. And while it lacks some of its predecessor's inspired songwriting, Mob Rules was given a much punchier, in-your-face mix by Birch, who seemed re-energized after his work on New Wave of British Heavy Metal upstarts Iron Maiden's Killers album. Essentially, Mob Rules is a magnificent record, with the only serious problem being the sequencing of the material, which mirrors Heaven and Hell's almost to a tee. In that light, one can't help but compare otherwise compelling tracks like "Turn Up the Night" and "Voodoo" to their more impressive Heaven and Hell counterparts, "Neon Knights" and "Children of the Sea." This unhappy streak is finally snapped by the unconventional "E5150," a synthesizer-driven instrumental. Then, the unbelievably heavy, seven-minute epic "The Sign of the Southern Cross" delivers one of the album's best moments before unleashing the roaring title track. Side two is less consistent, hiding the awesome "Falling off the Edge of the World" (perhaps the most overlooked secret gem to come from the Dio lineup) amongst rather average tracks like "Slipping Away" and "Over and Over." Over the next year, the sh*t would hit the fan for Black Sabbath, and Dio's exit would mark Mob Rules as the last widely respected studio release of the band's storied career.