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●成名曲 "I Remember You" 之Part Two引爆复出新话题
  在沉寂了数年之后,华丽金属的代表乐团Skid Row回来了!
  Skid Row的成名史当朔及金属乐的黄金80年代,当时有不下数十支乐团驰骋于乐坛及Bilboard排行榜之中,而由’80重摇滚先锋Bon Jovi所慧眼相中并提拔的Skid Row虽然出道稍晚,却能在居此劣势之下突破Motley Crue、Poison与Cinderella等成名乐团所打下的金属市场,并占有一席之地,尤其是首张同名专辑获颁双白金,并攻占Billboard,分别为Top 4 的"18 And Life"和Top 6的"I remember You",即可证明Skid Row为一颗不折不扣的超级新星。第二张专辑「Slave To The Grind」以更为厚重的金属风格呈现并持续狂卖,同时期Skid Row更来台演出,造成轰动!之后进入90年代由于Nirvana所带起的Grunge风潮,将华丽金属王朝淹没,Skid Row也因此沉寂一段时间,直到1995年才又推出叫好却不叫座的「Subhuman Race」,足见大势已去,连带地也使得乐团解散,至于众所瞩目的主唱Sebastian Bach则转战百老汇歌剧圈,获得不错的成绩。
  2000年Skid Row宣告复活,并于2003年发表新作「Thickskin」,新任鼓手由Phil Varone (ex-Sigon Kick) 接替,至于主唱的空缺则由发表过个人专辑的Johnny Solinger入替。也许乐迷会质疑Johnny是否可接下Sebastian的工作,然而答案可是肯定的!由象征新世代Skid Row的首曲 "New Generation" 及"Thick Is The Skin" 之中不仅可听到Johnny高能量的厚重嗓音,标准的Skid Row狂野曲风更可令乐迷再度现陷入疯狂,如同回到「Slave To The Grind」的颠峰时刻!标准的美式旋律摇滚曲 "Ghost"、"Swallow Me" 和 "Born A Beggar" 则再显团员的写曲功力犀利依旧。至于乐迷钟爱的抒情曲,如 "See You Around" 和 "One Light" 当然也都不容错过。还记得 "I Remember You"?这次Skid Row将它改成punk版,既轻快且动听。
  Skid Row的复出除了表面上的意义,更象征着’80 Glam Metal的复兴,拭目以待吧!
Skid Row是我在台北看过最High的演唱会,新专辑多了些实验性与音乐性,耐听度极高,何时再来台啊、、、、、董事长乐团 阿吉
刺客的爱团之一,在80年代的heavy metal band中扮演着承先启后的角色!狂野的舞台表现更影响到许多后辈乐队的表演风格! 刺客 BOOGIE
摇滚乐迷总是讨论着,’80华丽摇滚王朝的那票经典乐团都到哪去了?SKID ROW复出了!! 信乐团 孙志群
如果80年末Skid Row的 "I remember you" 是你一生中永远无法忘怀的情歌,「Thickskin」中或许可以让你寻回失连已久的记忆! 六翼天使 许世晃
Skid Row的复出,让全世界重新燃烧八○年代摇滚硬汉情怀! 闪灵乐团 Freddy
80年末狂妄金属摇滚,绝对的声光,刺激全身的神经,彻底地解放了苦闷的人! 不管2004年生活是否安逸,让SKID ROW的狂野,带你继续冲吧!! 四分卫 虎神

When Skid Row reunited without Sebastian Bach in 2000 and hired Johnny Solinger as their new lead singer, many longtime fans were understandably skeptical. Some were hostile to the very idea, arguing that a Skid Row reunion without Bach would be like a Led Zeppelin reunion without Robert Plant, or a Nirvana reunion without the late Kurt Cobain -- in other words, they saw Bach as irreplaceable and indispensable. Period. But Thickskin, Skid Row's first studio album with the expressive Solinger, is surprisingly good, although it should be stressed that this 2003 release is hardly a carbon copy of the band's Atlantic output of the late '80s and early- to mid-'90s. Instead, Skid Row updates their sound, offering a more modern approach (by early 2000s standards) that is obviously cognizant of alternative rock tastes. It isn't as dramatic a makeover as Tommy Lee gave himself after leaving Mötley Crüe and forming Methods of Mayhem, but it certainly isn't a dose of hair band nostalgia, either. Those who expect the Skid Row of 2003 to sound exactly like the old Bach-era Skid Row are bound to be disappointed; those who are open to a more alternative-friendly outlook will find a lot to like about this melodic yet hard-driving effort, which fuses elements of Slave to the Grind and Subhuman Race with an awareness of the sort of post-grunge sound one would expect from the Foo Fighters, Silverchair, Creed, or Default. It's an appealing combination, although some diehard Bach loyalists will inevitably insist that an alterna-rock version of Skid Row isn't really Skid Row. Regardless, this is a decent outing -- one that falls short of essential, but is still a respectable demonstration of the band's ability to revamp their sound and carry on without Bach.