
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars(Ziggy Stardust)

37 吉他谱  1 求谱  10 拨片 





The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars(Ziggy Stardust)专辑介绍
1972年初,David把自己变成了Ziggy Stardust,这个只存在了短短两年的“太空”幻想生物,成为David一生中最为重要的形象。《The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars》是公认的,David最出色的专辑之一,而且,可以说,此后David再也没有如Ziggy时代一样的出色——虽然也许比Ziggy时代更成功。
Ziggy看上去夸张又怪异,卖弄风情,和早期David甜蜜的感觉完全不同,但是给人留下了更深印象。他的服装是由日本人Kansai Yamamoto制作的,所以常常可以非常古怪和不自然地找到日本感觉乃至中国特色。


David宣称自己是双性人,摆出性感和诱惑的姿势,歌曲不再那么忧郁和尖锐。基本上,《The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars》是一张折衷性的专辑,有讨好听众的一面,然而,前几张专辑中始终贯穿的死亡与梦幻的歌词本质却没有变,Ziggy依然是沉浸在飘渺和不满中的遁世者,面对现实无能为力,寂寞地消失湮没。


Borrowing heavily from Marc Bolan's glam rock and the future shock of A Clockwork Orange, David Bowie reached back to the heavy rock of The Man Who Sold the World for The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. Constructed as a loose concept album about an androgynous alien rock star named Ziggy Stardust, the story falls apart quickly, yet Bowie's fractured, paranoid lyrics are evocative of a decadent, decaying future, and the music echoes an apocalyptic, nuclear dread. Fleshing out the off-kilter metallic mix with fatter guitars, genuine pop songs, string sections, keyboards, and a cinematic flourish, Ziggy Stardust is a glitzy array of riffs, hooks, melodrama, and style and the logical culmination of glam. Mick Ronson plays with a maverick flair that invigorates rockers like "Suffragette City," "Moonage Daydream," and "Hang Onto Yourself," while "Lady Stardust," "Five Years," and "Rock 'n' Roll Suicide" have a grand sense of staged drama previously unheard of in rock & roll. And that self-conscious sense of theater is part of the reason why Ziggy Stardust sounds so foreign. Bowie succeeds not in spite of his pretensions but because of them, and Ziggy Stardust -- familiar in structure, but alien in performance -- is the first time his vision and execution met in such a grand, sweeping fashion.