
Little Voice

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唱片公司:Epic Records



Little Voice专辑介绍
◎混合Fiona Apple与Norah Jones风采,Tori Amos制作人Eric Rosse打造新世代钢琴创作才女接班人
◎收录惊艳全美电台冠军/单曲榜#4个性情歌Love Song,单曲数位销售已大破200万张

  拥有一副天生好嗓,弹得一手好琴,气质美女Sara Bareilles用她具有Powerful以及Soulful嗓音,伴随悠扬顺耳旋律,替流行音乐区块带入一道清流。如同Tori Amos、Fiona Apple、Vanessa Carlton等女歌手风格,恣意宣泄情感在音乐世界中,借着琴键轻重力度弹奏,勾勒一幅幅爱情图像。将成人抒情亦或流行摇滚曲式的那份悸动,配入早熟温暖声调,并入新年代备受瞩目的个性创作才女行列中。
  并没有经过正规钢琴训练,完全靠着后天练习和兴趣支撑,Sara完全不辜负上天赋予的才华,充分展现音乐上的迷人丰采。18岁的Sara离开家乡到UCLA攻读传播研究课程,同时加入一个以纯人声为主的Acapella团体Awaken。课余时间,Sara将身处新环境的种种情绪,藉由撰写诗文以及歌曲词汇做以抒发。毕业后的三年间,在当地的一些表演场子或是音乐祭典上磨练自己各方面技巧, 2003年录下自己的Demo作品《Careful Confessions》。2005年与Epic Records签下一纸合约,在成功打造Tori Amos以及猫王女儿Lisa Marie Presley的制作人Eric Rosse全力协助下,两人花了一年时间在幕后编曲以及管弦乐的运用搭配,让Sara增进不少录音技能。
  酝酿近两年的时间于2007年七月推出专辑《Little Voice》,恩师Eric试图塑造较为温和的Tori Amos接班人形象,一肩扛起制作、编曲、混音等重责大任,发行首周荣登下载专辑榜冠军,经过半年时间的市场蕴酿,今年一举打入全美专辑榜第七名。其中Sara轻盈钢琴自弹自唱为主轴的先发曲〈Love Song〉,挟带大量摇滚声浪,不似轻声呢喃的嗓音,反透韧性坚强的高度感染力,入选iTunes「当周最佳单曲」,同时成为美国电台点播冠军曲,荣登单曲榜第四名,还大破200万次单曲销售纪录;充满极强烈的声音张力,〈Vegas〉之作隐隐透着才女Sheryl Crow的〈Leaving Las Vegas〉气流音感;仍然在情爱中打转的动人小品〈One Sweet Love〉,其中Acoustic吉他与钢琴的对鸣演出,均由Sara一手包办;宣泄微醺迷离声线的〈City〉,环拥极为顺畅音调,弦乐温柔的润饰,一再加强此曲的耐听度;〈Fairytale〉则是首粉碎儿时童话爱情幻想之歌。没有太过花俏繁复、哗众取宠的编曲,突显钢琴的透明与纯净,添份夜晚清凉聆听享受,赶走白日喧闹繁杂恼人之事。

Little Voice is the debut major-label album by American singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles, which was released on July 17, 2007 on the Epic Records label. Six of the tracks are re-recorded studio versions of songs from her previous album, Careful Confessions. A two-disc special edition of Little Voice with live acoustic tracks was released on March 18, 2008. The bonus disc also includes an interview with Bareilles and accompanying videos of the performances.
The album debuted on the US Billboard 200 at number 45, selling about 16,000 copies in its first week. As of January 13, 2011, the album has been certified platinum by the RIAA and peaked at number seven on the Billboard 200 and has currently sold over one million copies in the United States. The album debuted at number 26 in New Zealand, helped by "Love Song" reaching number one on the radio airplay chart. In the UK, the album debuted at #9 with sales of 14,484.
"Love Song" was selected as the first single. It was featured as the iTunes Single of the Week from June 19 to 26. In 2008, "Bottle It Up" was released as the second single. The video was directed by Marcos Siega. The third single in the U.S. was supposed to be "Gravity", with the video released on February 3, 2009, but no further information was ever revealed as to the date of the single release.
The album was well received by critics. "Love Song" was nominated for Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance at the 51st Grammy Awards.
When asked in an interview by UK newspaper The Daily Mirror about how she would describe her music, Bareilles said, "I guess I would say it's piano-based pop/soul," and said she listened to a lot of early soul and jazz when making the album.