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AP、Hit Parader、Kerrang!…等权威音乐杂志高评推荐

继美国狂卖两百五十余万张,台湾也因好评于众多摇滚狂徒口耳相传下销售创下佳绩的首张专辑《The Sickness》,在其摇滚余威还在耳根荡漾之际,《Believe》的全新专辑又必定再次成为广大摇滚信徒CD架上不可或缺的收藏品。由光头大汉David Draiman,发色最多变,脸上穿洞也最多的吉他手Dan Donegan,从小到大死都要留长发的贝斯手Fuzz及胡子可以跟Fuzz头发比长的鼓手Mike Wengren等四人合组之团Disturbed,他们的音乐除了具有强而有力的音乐节拍,超高分贝却不失旋律性的流畅度外,主唱Daivd独特的唱腔,更是让Disturbed 有着深刻印象且加分表现的优质Nu-Metal团,David时而平缓,时而嘶吼,时而失控的神经质演唱方式,一一将他们所阐释愤怒、不平、黑暗、阴沉等事物,藉由声音的表现,完全的让听者无须经由了解歌词,即能确切的感受出来,不时鸡皮疙瘩掉满地,他们更不想做一个“公式化”的摇滚乐团,取截Old School的元素在他们摇滚之音中,让Disturbed也相当自信的说“我们不认为有其它的乐团听起来跟我们一样。”

距离两年半的时间,选择自己家乡芝加哥,录制最新专辑《Believe》,邀约合作愉快的摇滚界新秀Johnny K来替此张专辑操盘制作,后制则交给Andy Wallace (Korn、Nirvana、System Of A Down)于纽约做最后混音的工作。若你仍对 《Stupify》、《Voices》、《Down With The Sickness》回味不已,那除了已于摇滚榜中成为Top5强势的首支热门单曲《Prayer》外(词意及MTV拍摄隐约透露向911事件表示哀悼之情),强烈推荐《Liberate》,在一小段营造CD跳针效果后,紧接着是厚重且猛劲的Nu-Metal 基调加上David时而高亢呐喊时而急促不安饶舌唱法穿绕下,将会成为此辑相当受瞩目且欢迎的单曲;《Intoxication 》一曲则延续了《Stupify》重咸湿且带劲的摇滚快感;如鞭打般的吉他之声配上David招牌的狂吼,揭开《Bound》一曲精采的序幕;最后末曲《Darkness》在Daivd内敛沉稳的嗓音搭配吉他轻播与柔美弦乐衬底下,是支绝对要乐迷大吃一惊且难得一见之抒情佳作。

by Bradley Torreano

From the moment the jagged riffing of "Prayer" begins to pour out of the speakers, one thing is quite clear: Disturbed has learned to cut the fat. Their first record was a massively heavy affair, but at times the music was mired in somewhat needless passages. But on Believe, Disturbed takes the sort of jump that their heroes in Soundgarden and Pantera made after their respective breakthrough records. No longer depending on the choppy tempos and percussion-based riffing of the past, guitarist Dan Donegan has made great strides in expanding their sound to include more varied guitar work all around. Take the title track, which moves from a brutal chug to a sweeping chorus that suddenly stops in its tracks and turns into a winding riff that recalls the work of vintage James Hetfield. It's great stuff, the kind of audible theatrics that makes good heavy metal so visceral and potent. Draiman makes an appreciated and notable effort to stretch his vocal boundaries as well, and his performance is one of the most improved of the band. His clear wail is a more emotive vessel this time, while his gravel-throated bark still adds the trademark harsh element to the sound. All of this adds up to a deeply melodic, at times even beautiful treatment of the genre; the kind of record that makes a metalhead proud to be a metalhead. Highlights include the epic and slightly tragic "Remember," Draiman's savage yammering on "Liberate," the dynamic flip-flopping between razor-sharp aggression and spiritual contemplation on "Rise," and the understated power ballad "Darkness." Certain songs do sound a bit too much like other bands for their own good, but this is out of hero worship more than a lack of originality and doesn't affect anything significantly. In the end, Believe is a satisfying slab of aggression from front to back, filled with enough muscle and brains to render the minor faults irrelevant. Where many of the bands that came out at the same time have proved to be one-album wonders, Believe is proof positive that Disturbed is a force of metal that's here to stay.