
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

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A Fever You Can't Sweat Out专辑介绍
从团名到专辑封面再至多首长的乱七八糟的曲目看来,这是一组绝对另你兴趣十足的闪亮亮新团,可以很跳、可以很摇、可以很爽、可以很爆、可以很High,但不需太过惊慌,Panic! At The Disco乐团让你不分舞曲亦或摇滚派对,添入五光十射正点节拍,引发全身上下每条想要舞动神经与不安鼓譟细胞!

来自拉斯维加斯的Ryan Ross,在他12岁之龄便央求父母买吉他送为圣诞节礼物,邻居好友Spencer Smith则乞求父母买整组鼓送他,好与Ryan组团大搞音乐。成团之后最爱翻玩的就是Blink-182作品,陆续加入同班同学Brent Wilson(贝斯手)以及Brendon Urie(主唱),嚮往摇滚明星梦的四位年轻小伙子正式成军上路。近期火红延烧并充满年轻朝气,聆听Green Day音乐给他们创作灵感,些许EMO风格夹带流畅声线的Fall Out Boy,钱包赚了满满后,身为贝斯手的Peter Wentz,聆听到Panic! At The Disco绽放快意之音,立刻将他们签入自设音乐厂牌Decaydance旗下,准备帮这一群热血小子们一展长才,AP音乐杂志早在封面斗大标示讚誉出「2006年你必须知道的100组乐团」。

首週以超越30万张销售量空降全美流行专辑Top24及热门潜力与独立专辑榜双料冠军「A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out」大碟,请来新锐级製作高手Matt Squire (Thrice、Northstar)操盘。首波攻入热门下载榜Top24、流行单曲Top50的"I Write Sins Not Tragedies",喧洩一股过瘾十足流行庞克声线,迅速掳获全美地下摇滚迷的重要单曲;进入2006年再接再厉展开第二波攻势是攻佔现代摇滚榜No. 5的"The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage",别以为只是建构在庞克基调中,电子颗粒随处散射以及落差极为明显之段落,处处暗藏编曲玄机有待你来发掘;"Time To Dance"是Panic! At The Disco诚致邀请你丢开所有烦恼,随乐大声唱以及畅快共舞;突然转化电子合成舞曲的"Intermission",中段加上拍桉叫绝琴韵谱入,是首玩闹带劲纯演奏曲;加大编曲格局且活力无穷指引出"There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey,You Thought Of It Yet"推荐佳作与末曲如Queen乐团戏剧化的"Build God,Then We’ll Talk", 一再散发超乎想像的高能量,并在Panic! At The Disco团员力图呈现多元化曲式下,从头到尾绝无冷场的热闹出招。

by Johnny Loftus

The state of pop-punk/emo in 2005: it's hip to be self-aware. "Dear studio audience," Panic! at the Disco vocalist Brendon Urie quavers in "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage." "I've an announcement to make/It seems the artists these days are not who you think." He goes on to shout out, "Applause! applause!" His lyrics also say he's the narrator, but that's for debate, because later on A Fever You Can't Sweat Out Urie hoots about meeting the press and his band being a "wet dream for the webzines," so who's worrying about stardom now, the narrator or Panic! at the Disco? With Fever it's clear that the MySpace revolution has come full circle -- no longer just a convenient promotional tool, the site is now something to sing about. Writing music that webzines actually want to cover should be more important that assuming they will and then obsessing over it. But bands like Panic! at the Disco don't see that. On Fever they fill the gaps between their formulaic guitars and warbling urgency (interchangeable groups include the Academy Is... and Fall Out Boy) with painstakingly layered vocals, trumpet, vocoder, and weird breakdowns of rickety piano or synths. This is a band in love with making a record -- making a statement -- but there's nothing unique inside, neither in their formula nor the vaunted and sticky production. Panic! at the Disco's name doesn't even ring true -- the guitars, keyboards, and bittersweet vocals of the Panic Division ring close enough to cause real identity problems.