
Like a Prayer

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唱片公司:Sire Records



Like a Prayer专辑介绍
《像一个祈祷者》(Like a prayer)专辑是麦当娜的第四张专辑,1989年3月发行,是麦当娜“物质女孩”风格逐渐走向成熟的作品。专辑里面她从最初的反叛者形象发展成了一个天主教徒。麦当娜不仅是个流行歌手,而且是敢于向传统道德抗争的具有时代精神的典型女性。她的服饰、性感的形象和自我宣扬的生活方式使其成了80年代和90年代的女性偶像。“Like A Paryer”音乐录像带遭致宗教界的反对,惨遭池鱼之殃的百事可乐,在广告片首映后一个月只好将其抽掉。但是付给麦当娜五百万美金的酬劳,却要不回来。由于失去了百事可乐的广告赞助,麦当娜原本打算配合"Like A Pr ayer"专辑的巡回演唱会也只好取消。麦当娜的“Express Yourself”音乐录像带耗费一百万美金,是当时最贵的音乐录像带。 Like a prayer发行后,便缔造许多女艺人销售数字的新纪录,荣登Billboard榜首。


Out of all of Madonna's albums, Like a Prayer is her most explicit attempt at a major artistic statement. Even though it is apparent that she is trying to make a "serious" album, the kaleidoscopic variety of pop styles on Like a Prayer is quite dazzling. Ranging from the deep funk of "Express Yourself" and "Keep It Together" to the haunting "Oh Father" and "Like a Prayer," Madonna displays a commanding sense of songcraft, making this her best and most consistent album.