
The Strange Case Of...

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唱片公司:Atlantic Records



The Strange Case Of...专辑介绍 *绝对能让一票男性汗颜的新生代女声重摇滚部队!
*交付葛莱美提名的摇滚界製作大师Howard Benson(Kelly Clarkson、My Chemical Romance、Papa Roach)操刀!
*入列Revolver杂志:《年度最受期待的专辑》名单。主打「Love Bites (So Do I)」登记告示牌摇滚榜Top29席次!

淹没在一片男性主导的摇滚声浪之中,回想90年代还曾一度引发Female Fronted Band风潮,但是,似乎进入2000年代,摇滚女声乐团逐渐稀少,如今,终于又听到令人兴奋的Halestorm!已在独立界打滚多时的Halestorm,为了提升知名度与增加曝光率,马不停蹄的参与Live演出,累积平均一年多达250场的秀,不仅快速征服各大摇滚祭典,更受到Disturbed、Megadeth、Avenged Sevenfold、Staind、Papa Roach、Stone Sour等巨星前辈们的赏识,担任暖场嘉宾,并且共同分享重点主舞台!

担任主唱和节奏吉他的Lzzy Hale,以及负责打击乐器与鼓手之责的Arejay Hale两姐弟,5岁开始学习钢琴,当他们还是国小、国中生时,便开始展开演出。2000年发行EP“Don’t Mess With The Time Man”,由父亲Roger Hale暂任贝斯手一职,直到2004年Josh Smith取代。2003年吉他手Joe Hottinger加入,Halestorm的队伍组合也羽化成形!经过一连串备受肯定的演出后,赢得Atlantic Records一纸合约,于2006年率先发行首张暖身EP “One And Done”,全部都是Live收音的作品。等待3年之久,端出正式录音室同名大碟“Halestorm”,拿下告示牌摇滚榜Top11+流行榜NO.40位置,金属摇滚界知名杂志Kerrang!给予四星近满分的推崇!

再度酝酿3年所推出的新作“The Strange Case Of…”,已经列入Revolver杂志:《年度最受期待的专辑》名单之中。此辑交付葛莱美提名的摇滚界製作大师Howard Benson (Kelly Clarkson、My Chemical Romance、Papa Roach)二度操刀。别以为女声带头就不够狠,开场的「Love Bites (So Do I)」,已登记告示牌摇滚榜Top29席次,绝对能让一票男性汗颜,猛重的鼓击不断直袭脑门,双吉他过瘾互飙,Lzzy的热辣嗓音沸腾整曲,持续激昂情绪接连到「Mz. Hyde」裡头;就是不愿意做乖乖牌,快来试试「Freak Like Me」,体验Halestorm高频率的失控演出;过瘾不减的「Rock Show」,巧妙渗入不过分的流行元素,仍然火力十足的秀上一齣精彩摇滚戏码,中段Solo部分,有著回归80年代Hard Rock触感;跟随大声喊唱Na Na Na Na Na的「Daughters Of Darkness」,涂抹些许属于黑暗深沉的色泽,不失顺畅旋律来回贯穿,更添耐听因子,Lzzy响彻云霄的震撼吼声百分百正点,还有弦乐的润饰陪衬,精心安排的桥段值得再三回味;经过多首爆裂快歌后,曲末「Here’s To Us」交出一支劲道满溢的抒情小品,虽然表现率性面和强烈字眼,却是好听到不可思议的优作!绝对肯定,Halestorm可以令那些吃惯重咸湿的摇滚铁汉们,举起大拇指称许不已!

The Strange Case Of... is the second full-length studio album from the rock band Halestorm, released on April 10, 2012. The album was produced by Howard Benson, who also produced the band's self-titled debut album. The first single and video from the album "Love Bites (So Do I)" won a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance. The song "Here's to Us" was performed on the US television show, Glee, with clean lyrics. Four of the album's songs were previously released on the sneak-preview EP Hello, It's Mz. Hyde. A deluxe edition of the album was also released containing three bonus tracks. A different version of the song "Here's To Us" featuring multiple guests including Slash was included on the reissue version of the standard and deluxe version of the album in 2013. In interviews about the album, Hale noted that the album was heavier than their previous album, but was significantly closer to the sound of them live.