
Slanted & Enchanted

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Slanted & Enchanted专辑介绍 充满才华令人惊艳的Pavement的Debut专辑,很显然的Slanted & Enchanted的并没有太多的修饰,但是这些有菱有角的粗旷Lo-Fi质感,却是令人狂爱且强求不来的,很明显这是一场音乐的游戏,打从第一个音符开始,就参加了乐团的玩耍计划,像是Jam歌又像是恶搞的游戏,处处都迸出了令人激赏的创意与天份,这就是他们的天性,也应该是摇滚乐最基本的理想与价值。但是不要以为他们会忘了做出好听动人的歌,旋律还是很人行道般的动人流畅,听著Slanted & Enchanted你享受的将是一场摇滚乐的即兴表演,他们如此的低调,与你如此的靠近,彷佛你可以拿把吉下去加入他们的行列。
Slanted & Enchanted is a left-field classic, a record that came out of nowhere to help establish a new subgenre of rock & roll. Pavement had already sketched out their sound, as well as their amateurish lo-fi aesthetic, on a series of indie singles before recording their debut, but Slanted & Enchanted is where they pulled all of their disparate sounds together into a distinctive style. At first, the primitive sound of the record is the most gripping thing about Slanted, but soon the true innovations of the record appear through the songs themselves. Stephen Malkmus and Spiral Stairs subvert conventional pop structures, turning melodies inside out, reinterpreting and reworking older songs, and bending genres together. It's a complex, enthralling record, filled with fractured riffs, strong melodies, and cryptic melodies, and with all the hiss and static, Slanted & Enchanted sounds like listening to a distant college radio station -- melodies and hooks keep floating in and out of the mix, with individual lines instead of full lyrics surfacing through the murk. This unique song structure as much as the sound of the album itself makes Slanted & Enchanted an individual, signature work and one of the most influential records of the '90s.