
The Photo Album

6 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 


唱片公司:Barsuk Records



The Photo Album专辑介绍 无疑,DCFC在主流乐坛取得重大回响,或多或少是托青春连续剧The O.C.之鸿福。曾在05年春季于片中亮相的他们,也进一步为乐迷所熟悉。其实DCFC打造出的Indie-Pop音乐一向都属于中间路线,歌曲具有美好的Hook、主脑Ben Gibbard笔下的歌词又可令二十来岁的年轻朋友听得共鸣,加上2003年前作专辑Transatlanticism达超过五十万销量,还被应邀联同Bruce Springsteen、R.E.M.、Pearl Jam等等摇滚巨星参与Vote For Change巡回演出。这支西雅图乐团注定是非池中物。 (转自 豆瓣)

by Kristi Coulter

Death Cab for Cutie's third full-length record is further proof that the Bellingham, WA, quartet is one of the more original and thoughtful indie rock groups around. Mixing the sound of a quieter Built to Spill with the lyrical specificity of Belle and Sebastian, The Photo Album's ten tracks explore the near misses and equally tenuous triumphs of human connection. Main songwriter Ben Gibbard's lyrics and wispy vocals hover just this side of preciousness at times, but more often create a palpable sense of warmth and longing, particularly on standout tracks "Blacking Out the Friction" and "Styrofoam Plates." And, in their own quiet way, the melodies are surprisingly dramatic, thanks in large part to Michael Schorr's anxious drumming. The Photo Album does not quite meet the standard set by 2000's stellar We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes on a song-for-song level, but it's still a moving and intelligent collection of wistful pop.