
The Libertines

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唱片公司:Rough Trade



The Libertines专辑介绍
The Clash吉他手Mick Jones坐镇操刀

回顾The Libertines在2001年的崛起,除了呼应了当时以The Strokes为首的复兴风潮外,亦受到前辈团体Suede吉他手Bernard Butler慧眼为他们制作单曲,甚至引来The Clash的Mick Jones为他们掌舵首张专辑《Up the Bracket》大部分歌曲的方向,使得The Libertines在短短数月内就窜升为当时英伦摇滚最受注目的乐团外,而《Up the Bracket》也成为当年最令人激赏的年度专辑之一。

时隔两年后推出的同名专辑,尽管依然由Mick Jones操刀,但The Libertines的年轻锐气与内在冲突开始逐渐消退,转换成了一种随兴而发的自信,〈Campaign of Hate〉整首吉他和弦曲调受到Television的〈Marquee Moon〉启发,而〈What Katie Did〉听似散装的小品,恍如酒醉时唱的随手曲,则让他们的音乐听来常常带有一种对上流社会无所谓的轻蔑。

姑且先抛开团员之间的纠纷与个人问题,The Libertines的歌曲听来往往带有一种既聪明又狡猾、颓唐又似乎不那么真实的情况,彷佛是七零年代老庞克的缩影全精华压缩到这张专辑里,让人简直不能置信这几位年轻人,竟能有这般的领悟力创作出这样的专辑。这是为新世代年轻乐迷而做的音乐,充满活在当下的生命感,而这不正也是对「青春无敌」最传神的脚注吗?

The Libertines is the second album by the British indie rock band The Libertines. Released on 30 August 2004, it is particularly biographical of the relationship between frontmen Carl Barât and Pete Doherty. The album instantly reached number 1 in the UK. It sold 72,189 copies in its first week. The album is included in the book 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. In 2006, NME placed the album 47 in a list of the greatest British albums ever.
The Libertines, like its 2002 predecessor, Up the Bracket, was re-released with a bonus DVD on 22 November 2004. The DVD, entitled Boys in the Band, is a collection of live shows, band interviews, and the "Can't Stand Me Now" promotional video.
The song Arbeit Macht Frei featured in the 2006 film Children of Men.