
How to Save a Life

15 吉他谱  1 求谱  5 拨片 





How to Save a Life专辑介绍

2006年风光抱走三座美国Billboard音乐奖之「数字专辑」、「数字单曲」、「年度艺人」;入围葛莱美「最佳流行演唱组合或团体」以及「最佳摇滚演唱组合或团体」等奖项嘉冕。透着丝丝忧愁声调紧扣聆听者情绪,一再逼近的寂寥气息不断蔓延回荡,如同门师兄团Train、Five For Fighting…等美式摇滚特质,极为迷人嗓音配上悦耳旋律,虽已发行一年多的时间,仍不被乐迷遗忘的拉出销售长红。

来自丹佛的The Fray,早在2002年由八岁就开始唱歌的主唱并同时把玩钢琴/吉他Isaac Slade以及吉他/钢琴同样一把罩的Joe King,于当地唱片行再度相遇,基于相同音乐理念,引爆出两人对组团与创作的渴望。融合U2和Counting Crow/数乌鸦乐团风格,再加入Isaac前乐团好伙伴Ben Wysocki(鼓手)、Dave Welsh(吉他手)共四人,终将The Fray组军完成。十足默契以及动人节拍,很快成为丹佛当地热门无签乐团体,获得Westwor杂志「最佳新进乐团」,短短四个月内,DEMO作品〈Over My Head(Cable Car)〉成为当地电台点播大热门,并赢得最受欢迎歌曲前30名。2003年接连推出两张深受独立摇滚乐迷欢迎的EP,接着成为主流大厂眼中深具潜力新团,引来一阵抢人风波。

The Fray首张专辑《How To Save A Life》,抢攻热门潜力榜冠军+美国流行专辑榜Top14+英国Top4+澳洲冠军宝座,光在美国就已突破两百万张门坎。交由Mike Flynn以及Aaron Johnson两位新生代制作人操盘,共通为首次处女之航激爆出灿烂音乐火花。首支进榜仅19周便累积双白金下载销售纪录,登上全美流行单曲Top8+成人抒情榜Top5的〈Over My Head(Cable Car)〉,以轻钢琴作前引再加入流畅吉他摇滚式曲韵,引人入胜的旋律不仅获得乐迷欢迎,更赢得电影Stealth/机战未来、全美高收视率电视影集「One Tree Hill」、「What About Brian」等片商青睐而争相取用于片中;第二支犹如美国版Keane/基音乐团风格铺陈,仍以凄美琴键带动波波摇滚线条加深乐迷注意力的同名单曲〈How To Have A Life〉,已蓄势待发飙入排行各榜,同样在美国电视影集Grey’s Anatomy以及Surubs中可听到他们「声」影出现;加入大量弦乐辅佐之〈Look After You〉已蓄势待发在排行中冲刺。

The Fray were among the first of the flood of bands that combined the influence of British neo-stadium acts like Coldplay and Keane, the retro-AOR bands of the mid-'90s -- chief among them Counting Crows and the Wallflowers -- and American emo-pop bands like Something Corporate and Jimmy Eat World. The Denver four-piece has the requisite piano and flag-waving choruses of the Brits, the slick sound and unfailing conservatism of the AOR bands, and the over-emoted vocals and confessional nature that are cornerstones of emo. What they don't have is much originality. All the songs on their debut, How to Save a Life, sound almost exactly alike and also exactly like you would expect -- sincere, melodic, authentic, and bereft of anything surprising or exciting. This doesn't make for the kind of record that people will want to listen to over and over again but for modern rock, it isn't half-bad. The Fray try hard and they never really do anything offensive. A couple of songs, like "Over My Head (Cable Car)" and "Dead Wrong," might even sound good in the background of a WB teen drama. You just can't picture them giving anyone chills, or kids text-messaging their friends to tell them about this great new band they just heard. That kind of reaction comes from inspiration and excitement, two vital factors that How to Save a Life and the Fray themselves are sorely lacking.