
Washing Machine

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Washing Machine专辑介绍 SY的第十一张专辑。Washing Machine是第一张KIM在吉他上起重要作用而胜于贝斯,也包括一些冗长的的歌,在以往专辑Goo和Daydream Nation也曾出现过。包括了史诗般的Diamond Sea,更是冲刷了以往的记录而达到了空前的20分钟,至今任是SY最长的一首曲子。其实你听到Sonic Youth的《Washing Machine》,其中实验色彩颇浓的效果音色,使得此时的Sonic Youth已经算不得是一支摇滚乐队了,或者说他们从来就不是一支真正意义上的摇滚,有些人说他们在“用摇滚乐器做非摇滚乐”。他们在使吉他非摇滚化。
Washing Machine is the ninth studio album by American alternative rock band Sonic Youth. It was released on September 26, 1995, through record label DGC.

After the regressive, low-key Experimental Jet Set, Trash & No Star, Sonic Youth appeared to be floundering somewhat, but Washing Machine erased any notion that the band had run out of things to say. Easily their most adventurous, challenging, and best record since Daydream Nation, the album finds Sonic Youth returning to the fearless exploration of their SST records, but the group has found a way to work that into tighter song structures. Not only are the songs more immediate than most of the material on their earlier records, the sound here is warm and open, making Washing Machine their most mature and welcoming record to date. It's not a commercial record, nor is it a pop record, but Washing Machine encompasses everything that made Sonic Youth innovators, and shows that they can continue to grow, finding new paths inside their signature sound.