
Precious Memories

2 吉他谱  1 求谱  10 拨片 


唱片公司:Arista Nashville



Precious Memories专辑介绍
原本只是一张收录15首福音歌曲,当作送给母亲的耶诞节礼物,却因来自家族朋友,以及唱片公司的大力鼓吹,Alan Jackson终于让这张私家专辑公诸于世。无心插柳,却在发行后大为畅销,不但登上Billboard「乡村专辑榜」、「教会专辑榜」、「教会及福音专辑榜」冠军,也以首週超过十万张的销售量登上Billboard 200第四名。这意外的成功为Alan Jackson创下许多历史性纪录,《珍爱时光》是第一张首週登上「乡村专辑榜」冠军的纯教会歌曲专辑,这位三度CMA年度艺人也成为历史上第一位乡村艺人登上「教会专辑榜」、「教会及福音专辑榜」冠军。


1958年出生于乔治亚州的Alan Jackson是Arista唱片1989年签下的第一位乡村艺人,出道前经常为当时已成名的Randy Travis担任演唱会暖场嘉宾,出道至今,始终以「忠实自我」的风格诠释贴近歌迷的音乐,一共获CMA「年度艺人」大奖十一次提名、三度获奖,加上四千万以上专辑销售、三十馀首冠军单曲、九十馀座主流奖项的市场肯定,在乡村界早已佔有举足轻重的地位,2006年以《珍爱时光》再将音乐进一步拓展到教会及福音领域,〈I Love To Tell The Story〉、〈How Great Thou Art〉都是台湾教会耳熟能详的曲目,〈I’ll Fly Away〉则因电影「霹雳高手」而红极一时,《珍爱时光》不但是Alan Jackson献给母亲的耶诞节礼物,也是给歌迷的最佳献礼。
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Ten studio albums into his career, Alan Jackson takes a bit of a breather with 2006's Precious Memories, his first ever gospel album. Not coincidentally, it's his quietest record to date, as hushed and reverent as a Sunday service, with each track boasting little more than a piano, acoustic guitar, harmony vocals, and maybe an organ. There may not be much musical variety to these spare, intimate arrangements, but they suit this set of sturdy traditional gospel classics, and they also suit Jackson, who always has been eager to pay respect to his idols and influences. On most of his albums, this reverence doesn't sound overly reverent since he does sing loose, rocking honky tonk and indulges in a sense of humor, two things that help illustrate his good taste. Here, every song is deliberately calm and consciously tasteful, which may make for perfect music for church, but hardly makes for a dynamic record. As the album rolls on, the similarity in tempo and arrangements gives the album a monotonous, sleepy quality; each individual track is well crafted and sincere, but taken as a whole, it all blurs together and winds up seeming twice as long as its 37 minutes. But even if Precious Memories winds up as something slightly underwhelming, there's no denying that this is precisely the album Jackson wanted to make, one that's consistent in tone and exact in its vision. It may not make for everyday listening, even an album that would be played every week, yet it would make a good soundtrack for a reflective, reverent Sunday afternoon.