
The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society

4 吉他谱  1 求谱  10 拨片 





The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society专辑介绍
被滚石编辑低估的顶尖英国迷幻/流行/摇滚乐队The Kinks的一张十分强悍的迷幻摇滚概念专辑,乐队成员为了这张专辑可谓呕心沥血,精益求精。遗憾的是当年卖得十分不理想,被几乎所有听众无视了。直到后来Beatles把迷幻摇滚弄成了流行色,人们回过头来,才发现了这张专辑的价值,认为这是The Kinks最优秀的代表作。


by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Ray Davies' sentimental, nostalgic streak emerged on Something Else, but it developed into a manifesto on The Village Green Preservation Society, a concept album lamenting the passing of old-fashioned English traditions. As the opening title song says, the Kinks -- meaning Ray himself, in this case -- were for preserving "draught beer and virginity," and throughout the rest of the album, he creates a series of stories, sketches, and characters about a picturesque England that never really was. It's a lovely, gentle album, evoking a small British country town, and drawing the listener into its lazy rhythms and sensibilities. Although there is an undercurrent of regret running throughout the album, Davies' fondness for the past is warm, making the album feel like a sweet, hazy dream. And considering the subdued performances and the detailed instrumentations, it's not surprising that the record feels more like a Ray Davies solo project than a Kinks album. The bluesy shuffle of "Last of the Steam-Powered Trains" is the closest the album comes to rock & roll, and Dave Davies' cameo on the menacing "Wicked Annabella" comes as surprise, since the album is so calm. But calm doesn't mean tame or bland -- there are endless layers of musical and lyrical innovation on The Village Green Preservation Society, and its defiantly British sensibilities became the foundation of generations of British guitar pop.
The Village Green Preservation Society

Do You Remember Walter?

Picture Book (Mono Mix)

Johnny Thunder

Last of the Steam-Powered Trains

Big Sky

Sitting by the Riverside

Animal Farm

Village Green


Phenomenal Cat

All of My Friends Were There

Wicked Annabella


People Take Pictures of Each Other

Mr. Songbird (Stereo Mix)

Days (Stereo Mix)

Do You Remember Walter? (Mono Mix)

People Take Pictures of Each Other (Mono Mix)

Days (Mono Mix)

Mr. Songbird (Mono Mix)


Wonderboy (Mono Mix)

Berkeley Mews (Mono Mix)

Village Green (Mono Mix) (No Strings Version)

Village Green (Stereo Mix) (Orchestra Overdub)

Misty Water (Stereo Mix)

Berkeley Mews (Stereo Mix)

Easy Come, There You Went (Stereo Mix)

Polly (Stereo Mix)

Animal Farm (Alternate Stereo Mix)

Phenomenal Cat (Mono Instrumental Version)

Johnny Thunder (Stereo Remix)

Did You See His Name (Mono Alternate Version)

Mick Avory's Underpants (Mono Mix)

Lavender Hill (Mono Mix)

Rosemary Rose


Spotty Grotty Anna (Stereo Mix)

Where Did My Spring Go (Mono Mix)

Groovy Movies

Creeping Jean (Stereo Mix)

King Kong (Mono Mix)

Misty Water (Mono Mix)

Do You Remember Walter? (Live at the BBC)

Animal Farm (Live at the BBC)

Days (Live at the BBC - Edit)

The Village Green Preservation Society (Stereo Mix)

Picture Book (Stereo Mix)

Monica (Stereo Mix)

Wicked Annabella (Stereo Mix)

Starstruck (Stereo Mix)

Phenomenal Cat (Stereo Mix)

Johnny Thunder (Stereo Mix)

Last of the Steam-Powered Trains (Stereo Mix)

Big Sky (Stereo Mix)

Sitting By the Riverside (Stereo Mix)

Animal Farm (Stereo Mix)

All of My Friends Were There (Stereo Mix)