
Specter At The Feast

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Specter At The Feast专辑介绍
◎All Music (4/5)、The Guardian (4/5)、Drowned in Sound (7/10)、Paste Magazine (8/10)齐声拥戴

十二年前以首张同名专辑《B.R.M.C.》轰动一时的黑色叛逆机车俱乐部,睥睨当年启动复古庞克新浪潮的The Strokes,其揉合蓝调又带着神似The Velvet Underground、Jesus and Mary Chain或Spaceman 3横跨多个年代的迷幻噪音,直到现在都难以忘怀。我们耳机戴上,彷彿就在黑夜裡与一袭黑衣的他们在公路上驰骋狂飙,那一首歌是〈Whatever Happened to My Rock ‘N Roll (Punk Song)〉,轰隆的电吉他不断地叫嚣,搭配无所顾忌地将油门踩到底的酷劲,建构了前所未有的刺激感。

对比着当年的年少轻狂,殊不知在这十二年之中他们也经历了一些变迁,主唱/贝斯手Robert Been的父亲Micheal Been在2010年发行《Beat the Devil’s Tattoo》后去世。Michael Been长年来担任BRMC巡迴演唱总监,更被主唱/吉他手Peter Hayes称为BRMC第四位团员,他的消逝其实无疑让乐团瞬间顿失重心,陷入了愁云惨雾中。不过在时间的疗伤后,团员们渐渐走出失去至亲的伤恸,2012年走进入录音室,在今年依旧三人编制重新出发,带来他们第七张专辑《Specter at the Feast》。

BRMC以往酷爱使用一致的黑视觉封面,新专辑却以红色为基调,说明这次绝对不同以往。强势回归的首波单曲〈Let the Day Begin〉证明他们仍记得原本初衷;凄美的〈Returning〉是令人动容的悲歌,完美诠释着失去亲人的痛;〈Lullaby〉就像是投入一个温暖的怀抱,脑海中的浑沌就瞬间变得清晰而且风和日丽,擦乾眼泪将这个痛埋葬在青翠绿地;少不了惊心动魄的飙车音乐,重摇滚味浓厚的〈Teenage Disease〉有着十足批判意念,〈Funny Games〉与〈Sell It〉等歌曲就是呼啸而过带着巨大迷幻噪音的黑夜飞车,并催促着最末曲〈Lose Yourself〉的到来。8分39秒的长度就像在人事已非的夜色裡,歇斯底里的屏着气穿越了好几个隧道,每当电吉他疾驶的片刻,脑海裡闪着伤痕累累的过去,就很不争气地流下英雄泪。(文/陈伍迪)

Specter at the Feast is the seventh album by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, released on March 18, 2013 in Europe and March 19, 2013 in the US. It was released under the band's own record label, Abstract Dragon, through Vagrant Records. Unlike Beat The Devil's Tattoo, the album wasn't produced by Michael Been, who died after he suffered a heart attack mid-tour in 2010 while the band was playing at Pukkelpop. As a result, Specter at the Feast was a way for the band to mourn their loss and rid the pain, as he was the father of bassist Robert Levon Been, but also their live sound technician and a mentor to all the members.
The band have made the first single from the record, a cover of The Call's 1989 hit "Let the Day Begin", available as a free download on their official website. The same day, the song became Q Magazine's track of the day. The band have also released the "Let the Day Begin" EP for free, consisting of the single and the album track "Returning", which has also been made available for streaming on the official website.
The band have released a six-part promotional short film documenting the recording of Specter at the Feast.
The song "Hate the Taste" appears in the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Multiplayer Trailer.