
Introducing... Hello Saferide

1 吉他谱  18 求谱  227 拨片 


唱片公司:Razzia Records



Introducing... Hello Saferide专辑介绍

瑞典小女人Annika Norlin一直写歌,却从未唱给其它人听过。直到她偶然 将"highschool stalker",一首关于天真浪漫的小女生跟踪心爱的小男生的歌,录制发到互联网上以后, 迅速窜红并很快得到一纸合约。之后关于友情的首支单曲my best friend里,norlin竟然唱到"Damn, I wish I was a lesbian(女同性恋)/so I could fall in love with you."之后首发专辑 “introducing.."广受好评。这是一张关于相思成灾,寂寞无眠和美好回忆的专辑,洋溢其中的淳淳爱意令人迷醉。专辑欢快的旋律,使得即便是关于感伤,关于寂寞的"saturday nights"和"i don't sleep well"也不显得过于沉重。如此细腻动人的歌词再搭配上流行的旋律和乾练优美的女声,又有谁会不买单。

Hello Saferide, also known as Annika Norlin, continues her romance with innocent, infectious indie pop on her 2005 Razzia release, Introducing.... Listeners who enjoyed the quirky pop hooks and all-around warm fuzziness of her previous work will find much of the same stuff on this release, which also boasts a fuller, more produced sound. Admittedly, one could argue that this is nothing more than more of the same cute-as-a-button indie pop that's already pumped out by the likes of Rilo Kiley or Camera Obscura. After all, all the twee trademarks are here: the tiny bells; the jaunty handclaps; the sudden arrival of the horn section. But Norlin distinguishes herself from the disconsolate, vibrato-shy flock of indie songbirds with her honesty and folky singer/songwriter sensibilities. For better or worse, she's not afraid to be earnest, even if her more confessional songs, like "I Thought You Said Summer Is Going to Take the Pain Away" or "Long Lost Pen Pal" tiptoe along the edges of high school sentimentality. If there's any fault with the album it's probably "San Francisco," which seems a bit formulaic compared to more successful songs like "My Best Friend." But it's fair to say that Norlin makes up for it with the sparse, lovely "Loneliness Is Better When You're Not Alone" and the zippy bonus track, "Highschool Stalker." Introducing... seems like just another twee indie pop album, but what sets it apart is Norlin's ability to craft some intensely likeable, deceptively thoughtful pop songs. [The 2007 reissue of the CD contains bonus tracks.]