
The 1st Chapter

7 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





The 1st Chapter专辑介绍 这个来自挪威的前卫金属乐团势必又能在前卫金属领域刮起一阵旋风!这张名为The 1st Chapter的专集来势如此汹涌,一定能让那些对久违了前卫金属所产生的陌生感顿时荡然无存!

专集首曲Sin引出的强烈冲击效果让人感觉似曾相识,极其强悍的编曲以及流畅快速的吉他弹奏再加上复杂且密集的鼓点充满了典型前卫金属歌曲的特色,片头器乐的编排和演奏方式和Dream Theater在Train of Thought中的This Dying Soul有些相似!然而比首曲Sin编排更为复杂,演奏更为精彩的歌曲是纯器乐作品Biosfear,我无法形容那行云流水般的出色演奏给我带来的无比惊讶和享受,我沉迷在这迅疾的乐曲之中,大脑根本无法记住在我耳边快速一闪而过的每一个音符,同时我还要寻找和分辨着不同器乐同时发出的声音,这几位乐手默契的配合以及乐曲的连贯表现让人听得几乎有些忘了呼吸!

Silence From Angels Above本来应该是一首很棒的慢板歌曲,不过主唱过于生硬的嗓音让人略感失望,整张专集如果非要挑一些缺陷的话,我想这位主唱对低音方面的处理和控制是有些问题的,如果他的低音声线可以表现的象他高音部分同样细腻那就恰到好处了!19分钟的专集同名歌曲The 1st Chapter显然是核心之作,庄严宏伟的磅礴气势以及犀利的演奏方式将整张专集渐渐带入高潮!

对于一个新晋乐团来说,首张专集就能作的如此精彩实属不易,实在是不需要过多去挑剔了,非常明显Circus Maximus这张专集有着Dream Theater的影子,技术派的风格显露无疑!这些出色的乐曲能够带大家回到那段痴迷前卫金属的日子。

The easy -- call it the cop-out -- description of Norway's Circus Maximus would be to say that they essentially offer accomplished, melodic prog metal in the Dream Theater vein, only delivered with a distinctly European aesthetic. Of course things are never so simple when discussing the dense and complex array of sounds necessary for sculpting this sort of music; and, therefore, the presence of DT's soaring vocals, heroic guitars, aggressive synthesizers, and a busy rhythm section merely begin to paint the full picture. There's much more here than initially meets the ears: first and foremost being Circus Maximus' clear appreciation of more straightforward AOR and hard rock songwriting hallmarks, which, for all of the band's fleet-fingered displays, ultimately helps sharpen their songwriting. As such, standout tracks like "Sin," "Alive," and "The Prophecy" capture a perfect balance of hooks and shocks, while the lone power ballad, "Silence From Angels Above," fairs somewhat poorly for going a bit over the top -- though that too is of course to be expected. Excepting the instrumental "Biosfear," full-fledged technical showboating is surprisingly restrained, all things considered, and perhaps the final endorsement to be made about the group's talents is that monolithic numbers such as the ten-minute "Glory of the Empire" and the 19-minute title track (showing shades of ELP, and numerous other influences) hardly feel any longer than the more conventionally sized offerings. (OK, maybe the last, which, as one might expect, actually contains more than a few songs stitched together -- sometimes uncomfortably so.) In any case, it's impossible to categorize The 1st Chapter as anything but an absolute tour de force -- particularly considering that it's the first attempt by a new band. Should Circus Maximus be able to replicate such high-caliber results for the second chapter, they could very well become standard-bearers of their generation.