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唱片公司:Sugar Records



★ 史上最畅销的古典跨界艺人重新演绎世上最动人的情歌
★ 16座葛莱美奖超级制作人大卫佛斯特生平最骄傲的制作精品,登上全美流行专辑榜与网路专辑榜TOP 3、空降古典跨界榜冠军
★ 特别收录2006年冬季奥运会歌〈Because We Believe〉以及〈Can’t Help Falling In Love〉、〈Besame Mucho〉、〈Les Feuilles Mortes〉等极致情歌经典作


波伽利的歌声响彻国际,从梵蒂冈的新年礼赞,在艾菲尔铁塔、自由女神、比萨斜塔、埃及金字塔等着名地标所举办的慈善义唱,欧足赛、雪梨奥运、悼念911受难者的音乐会、诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼、纽约感恩节大游行、Live 8义唱会到2006年义大利冬季奥运盛典,世界上每个角落都能听到他那感人至深的歌声。

在16座葛莱美奖制作人 David Foster、天后席琳狄翁御用制作人 Humberto Gatica 与义大利国宝级制作人 Tony Renis 这3位资历超过30年的王牌制作人护航下,波伽利重新诠释世上最美丽动听的情歌,让他们再度回到广大听众的面前。2006开春,深情大碟《Amore》发行首周便同步空降全美流行专辑榜与网路专辑榜季军。透过西班牙吉他、传统的拉丁打击乐器、手风琴、口琴、大钢琴、弦乐的铺排为波伽利的浪漫歌声编织一个热情洋溢、引人入胜的爱情场景,专辑涵盖1920-80年代的经典情歌,同时邀集葛莱美艺人跨刀献艺:史提夫汪达、肯尼吉分别在〈Mi Manchi〉、〈Canzoni Stonate〉中担任口琴、萨克斯风的吹奏,新世代歌后克莉丝汀则在〈Somos Novios〉中与波伽利合唱。此外,特别收录波伽利与大卫佛斯特为2006年冬季奥运所谱写的大会会歌〈Because We Believe〉。(博客来)

Romance. Passion. Emotion. These words are synonymous with the voice of Andrea Bocelli. Almost ten years ago he exploded onto the international music scene with Romanza, and has since sold nearly 50 million albums worldwide. Amore--released amongst the glamor of the Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy (where he will perform at the closing ceremony) and the romance of Valentine's Day--finds Bocelli straying from the carefully groomed classical ground in which he is most familiar. The concept of the album came from famed producer and longtime Bocelli fan David Foster along with co-producers Humberto Gatica and Tony Renis, who posed the question: Why not take the most beautiful love songs in the world and pair them with the most romantic voice in the world? The result is a beautiful album of pop standards that Foster has publicly claimed is "one of the most beautiful records I have ever been part of."

Embarking on a new era, Amore unveils a fresh sensuous sound that gently moves Bocelli into new territory. Spanish guitars flourish, traditional Latin percussion seductively keeps the tempo, accordions and harmonicas provide charming melodies, while sometimes Bocelli shares the spotlight with just a grand piano. Recorded late in the summer at Bocelli's Tuscan home studio overlooking the coast, the album exudes the natural beauty and breathtaking surroundings evident in Italy. Amore marks the only album David Foster has made outside of his Californian studio complex in two decades. This was also most musically gratifying for Bocelli: "I've been presented with opportunities I once could only dream of, challenges I longed to confront and experiences I will cherish forever, but while recording this album I realized that now is the perfect moment to arrive at an album of this repertoire, with the perfect producers, the perfect musicians and the perfect selection of songs."