
Tracy Chapman

15 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





Tracy Chapman专辑介绍 在1988年,如果有一张民谣摇滚专辑能够获得3项葛莱美奖,那么简直是个奇迹,如果实现这个奇迹的是一位在此前名不见经传的年轻黑人女歌手,那么简直就是更大的奇迹。而创造这个奇迹的就是Tracy Chapman和她的这张同名专辑。滚石杂志的编辑评论是:一个不知从哪冒出来的年轻民谣歌手抓住了所有人的耳朵。而这张专辑还被认为带动了90年代的女创作歌手运动,参与这场运动的包括Tori Amos和Sarah McLachlan这些后来颇有名气的歌手。
这张专辑开头的几首歌彷佛让人回到了单纯的民谣吉他时代,而Tracy Chapman作为黑人歌手那与生俱来的蓝调天赋又给清新的民谣加上了几分灵歌的吟唱味道,另一些歌曲的编排中则注意加入一些节奏元素,让歌曲更有时代感。单曲方面,专辑中共有4首进入Top 40的歌曲,其中Fast Car为Tracy赢得了葛莱美奖。


by Stephen Thomas Erlewine

Arriving with little fanfare in the spring of 1988, Tracy Chapman's eponymous debut album became one of the key records of the Bush era, providing a touchstone for the entire PC movement while reviving the singer/songwriter tradition. And Tracy Chapman is firmly within the classic singer/songwriter tradition, sounding for all the world as if it was recorded in the early '70s -- that is, if all you paid attention to were the sonics, since Chapman's songs are clearly a result of the Reagan revolution. Even the love songs and laments are underscored by a realized vision of trickle-down modern life -- listen to the lyrical details of "Fast Car" for proof. Chapman's impassioned liberal activism and emotional resonance enlivens her music, breathing life into her songs even when the production is a little bit too clean. Still, the juxtaposition of contemporary themes and classic production precisely is what makes the album distinctive -- it brings the traditions into the present. At the time, it revitalized traditional folk ideals of social activism and the like, kick starting the PC revolution in the process, but if those were its only merits, Tracy Chapman would sound dated. The record continues to sound fresh because Chapman's writing is so keenly observed and her strong, gutsy singing makes each song sound intimate and immediate.