
Hercules [Original Score](大力士 电影原声)

1 吉他谱  0 求谱  0 拨片 





Hercules [Original Score](大力士 电影原声)专辑介绍 迪士尼第35部经典动画片是改编自希腊神话的【大力士】(Hercules),於1997年暑假推出上映。

【大力士】的主角是希腊天神宙斯的儿子— Hercules ,他在襁褓时被冥王 Hades 陷害遗落凡间,但仍然保有与生俱来的神力,长大后他必须历经万难、斩妖除魔证明自己是英雄,如此才得以重返神界,最后他也学到真正的英雄不在於蛮力,而是在於内心。本片的怪物造型,迪士尼请来欧洲知名的政治讽刺漫画大师精心设计,并藉著电脑绘出令人惊心动魄的多头蛇之战!片中 Hercules 成名变成人们心目中的偶像,很多情节也间接讽刺好莱坞的现况。本片后来改编的同名迪士尼【大力士】电视卡通影集也承袭此一风格,极尽颠覆一般所认知的希腊神话

by Rodney Batdorf
The soundtrack to Disney's surprisingly ambitious animated adaptation of the Hercules myth isn't quite as strong as many of the studio's soundtracks in the '90s. It doesn't have the same effortless, memorable melodicism of The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast , nor does it have the glossy MOR sheen of Elton John's work for The Lion King . Nevertheless, the music is stronger than Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre Dame , and "The Distance" is a fine adult contemporary pop song, even if Michael Bolton oversings it in the re-recorded version targeted for radio.