This 18-year-old ingenue follows the aural footsteps of such adolescent teen pop chart-toppers as Debbie Gibson, Britney Spears, and Tiffany with PG-rated dance songs, sensuous ballads, and mid-tempo ear candy that belie her tender age. Each track is tailor-made for commercial Top 40 radio. Throughout the air-tight arrangements and crystal-clear mixes, Mitchell is strongest when she sings slow romantic compositions that allow her to stretch out and add blue-eyed soul to the cold techno trappings and programmed instrumentation. "Stay" is reminiscent of a Chris Cross ballad from the 1980s, with acoustic guitar arpeggios, lush orchestrations, and weepy harmonies. "A Little Too Late" and "I Cry Real Tears" ooze with MOR passion as Mitchell submerges herself into the lyrics of love lost. The title track and "Broken Promises" recall Madonna when youth and rebellion were on her side. Strictly for the kids, but parents will appreciate the songcraft and Mitchell's mature delivery.